Litter Socialisation Period

Socialisation is when a puppy is learning to interact normally with adults, children, other dogs and pets.

The socialisation period begins when a puppy first startles upon hearing a sound. It usually starts around 3 weeks of age and lasts until the puppies are around 12 weeks.

Anything a puppy experiences during this time will become part of its natural order of things. For better or worse, the effects of this crucial time are permanent so it is important to work on socialising the puppies appropriately.

If there has been no intervention, the puppies will grow to always be suspicious and/or fearful of new things or situations. This cannot only cause issues from separation anxiety to a dog who is constantly nervous/scared, it can lead to the adult dog being aggressive harming people or other dogs/animals. This is why it is very important for the breeder to accustom the puppies from an early age.

Exposing the puppies to new environments, noises, people, etc from an early age will result in the puppies being able to cope and see these experiences as non-threatening, which will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Exposing the puppies to these experiences at a later age will result in a fear response that is very hard to overcome and may hinder them for the rest of their lives.

Again, a natural response of a fearful dog, if it has no other means of escape, is aggression. This can stay with the puppy for the rest of their lives. This is exactly what you want to avoid.

Puppies who have been well socialised may not show any obvious external signs, but the underlying process is still the same.

Remember, after this age any unfamiliar objects or negative experiences can cause a fearful response (sometimes extremely fearful) and can result in aggression if there has been no previous intervention.

The following areas should be nurtured before the puppy is 12 weeks old:

• Communication

• Emotional stability

• Habituation

• Enrichment

• Health

• Skills

• Love

This can be in the form of (but not limited to):

  • Body handling – making sure the puppies are used to being touch all over; from their ears to the tips of their tails and holding their paws
  • Basic training commands
  • Different environments & travelling by car – even if it’s just driving around the block once or twice a week it will benefit them!
  • Different noises daily – vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, sudden loud bangs etc
  • Different people of various age, sex, ethnicity, disability etc
  • Correcting inappropriate behaviour promptly & positively

The experience of becoming accustomed to a wide range noises, lifestyle, habitats and environments is called habituation. It is important that you introduce your puppies to as many different situations as possible and as early as possible, so they are used to these things in order to avoid fearfulness for the time when they leave to their new home and for the rest of their lives. Proper habituation helps prevent similar problems as socialisation.

Adorable Boys Puppy Names















































































































Miska (little bear)














































































































Yogi Bear








Adorable Girls Puppy Names



























Brenna (royal)



























































Honey Bear

























Kendra (beauty)




































Miska (little bear)



































Reena (gem)




















Sera (Princess)










Sugar Plum
































Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way

Caring For Newborn Puppies

All puppies are born before they are fully developed. Theyare born with their eyes closed until they are around 7-10 days old, theycannot hear until they are around 14 days old, shortly after which they willbegin to walk, and they cannot toilet themselves and need stimulating. Becausethe puppies are not fully developed at birth, they are fully dependent on theirmother, along with the breeders close supervision to make sure each puppy ishealthy and developing well.

You need to make sure each puppy is getting milk and has goodsuction when feeding. The following will show you if each puppy has a properlatch on:

• Their tongue around the teats

• Little pits on the side of their face (cheeks sucked in)

• Check each puppy for cleft lip / palate:

                                                            Puppy with cleft palate

Puppies who have cleft lip and/or cleft palate will not beable to feed properly (more on helping these puppies to survive further on).

All puppies need colostrum (first milk) within 12-18 hoursafter being born. This gives the puppies the protection of the mother’santibodies. Best to buy some in ready, in case there are any weak/small puppiesor, if for any reason, the mother has problems feeding the pups.

Having other supplements in, such as a puppy stimulatingpaste that contains colostrum is advisable for the same reasons.

A puppy’s temperature is only 94-97 Fahrenheit (compared toadult dogs normal temperature between 100-101 Fahrenheit) so they need anexternal heat source such as a heat pad. When they are feeding, they will getheat from their mother. The puppies will pile on top of each other to staywarm. Make sure there are no drafts. Puppies can chill and die. Neverfeed a cold puppy.

Weigh the puppies daily and watch out for any puppies losingweight. They should be double their birth weight at around 8-11 days old. Putslow gainers on larger, fuller teats. As an example, if there 5 puppies and 8teats, make sure the smaller pups get to drain 2 teats a few time a day. Thebigger pups will ALWAYS get to the teats and drain them before the smallerpuppies get to feed.

After all pups are born, get rid of all soiled bedding out ofthe whelping box. Clean the whelping box down with an enzyme cleaner (odour eliminator)as this eliminates urine, faeces, blood etc. Change the bedding at least once aday, although several times a day is recommended to keep everyone clean andfresh.

Puppies cannot have a bowel movement/urinate on their ownuntil around 3 weeks of age. The mother stimulates elimination by lickingaround the genital area. If she doesn’t do this for her puppies, or if you arehand rearing the puppies, you will have to stimulate them. You can do this bygently rubbing a cotton ball or paper towel moistened with warm water aroundthe anus and genitals. The puppy should have a bowel movement within one to twominutes. Newborn puppies should be stimulated after every feed.

Electrical stimulation causes the puppies muscles to twitch.This stimulates the muscles to build them so over the next few weeks the puppycan begin to stand on their feet and begin to walk. Twitching is a keyindicator that the puppy is healthy and developing normally. If twitchingstops, the puppy is not developing in some important ways, and is likely to bein critical danger.

Unless you have weak, small puppies, there is no need tointervene when the puppies are pushing each other off the mother’s teats.Stress and struggle during nursing is natural and learns the puppies to gainmotor coordination and find the teat, build muscle and deal with frustration.

FREE Printable Puppy Birth Record

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FREE Printable Puppy Birth Record

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Super Stylish Dog Beds For The Modern Home

Wow! Just look at these amazing beds made not only for our special four legged friends, but to keep our homes looking stylish and clutter free.

(Click on each for more details on size dimensions, materials used etc)

Luxury Hand Carved In Silver Crushed Velvet

Luxury Leather Dog Sofa

Personalised Wicker Basket Bed With Fluffy Cushions

Personalised Memory Foam Bed

Vintage Metal Frame Bed

Custom Built Wooden Dog Crate

Chesterfield Sofa Bed (come in various colours, material, feet, and with optional crystal buttons)

Leather Luxury Sofa Bed

Tartan Tweed Fabric Sofa Bed

Luxury Crushed Velvet Pet Bed

Enchanted Comfortable Sofa Bed

Bespoke Dog Bed

Glitter Crushed Velvet Dog Bed

Luxury Wooden Dog Bed

Pet PU Leather Sofa Bed

Warm, Soft Round Dog Bed

Chaise Lounge Crushed Velvet Sofa Bed

Silver Sofa Bed

Two Tier Dog Bed With Steps

Bespoke Handmade Dog Bed

Pyometra – A Dog’s Medical Emergency

Pyometra can be a silent and deadly killer. It is extremely important that you can recognise the signs and symptoms as should your dog develop Pyometra, she will need an emergency operation.

Pyometra is one of the most serious life-threatening conditions for any female dog to suffer from. Pyometra literally means ‘pus in the womb’.

Although Pyometra is a lot less common than it once was (as more and more dog owners are neutering their girls if they are not to be bred from) there are still a lot of cases that are claiming the lives of thousands of dogs each year.

The Signs & Symptoms

There are a wide range of symptoms of Pyometra (or ‘pyo’ for short) and it can be noticeable by a thick (often brownish) pus seeping from her vulva, to less clear symptoms such as her being a bit quiet and off her food.

The reason for this wide variety of clinical signs can be due to how long the pyo has been established and whether the pus is being allowed to drain out from the womb (‘open’ pyo) or not (‘closed’ pyo). Both are very serious, but closed pyometra has a higher risk of being fatal due to less obvious symptoms, which may only be recognised once it is too late. That is why it is extremely important you are aware of pyo and it’s signs and symptoms.

Open Pyometra

The signs of ‘open’ pyo is where her cervix is open, allowing the pus being produced in the uterus to freely flow outside the body and be visible on examination. An example of open pyo would be, an unspayed female with a noticeably increased thirst (polydipsia) who seems to be spending most of her time licking an abnormal foul-smelling, brown/green coloured discharge from her private parts.

Closed Pyometra

In less obvious, ‘closed’ pyo situations, the cervix remains tightly closed, withholding the pus inside her uterus and making the condition less obvious to diagnose. Her abdomen could be swollen and painful to touch and she may show signs of her being tired, depressed, and turning her nose up at food – including her favourite treats. By the time you see any of these external signs, however, the condition is in a fairly advanced stage, so you’ll need to get medical attention right away.

In either case, she may have a fever (a dogs normal temperature is between 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, or 38.3 to 39.2 degrees Celsius), have greyish gums (depending how advanced the pyo is) and she will have been in season between one and three months ago. She may also be vomiting and having diarrhoea.


The first thing your vet will do if they suspect pyometra is a thorough examination of her abdomen. The vet may perfom blood tests and an ultrasound of her abdomen. This is a useful, non-invasive method of checking whether a swollen abdomen is caused by infection and not by pregnancy. Your vet will take a sample of the discharge for testing, to determine what type of bacteria is causing the infection. Depending on how ill the dog is, she might need to stay overnight in the veterinary hospital for treatment.


Pyometra can be caused by one or a combination of underlying causes. For instance, it can be the tiny, microscopic behaviour of the womb lining itself, likely hormonal imbalances. Or in some cases, a source of infection that usually enters the reproductive tract at the vulva from the outside world and creeps up, or comes via the blood stream from another infected area of the body. If the dog has also recently given birth to a litter, an inflamed womb with bruised or exhausted and vulnerable tissues, can also act as a focus for infection to set in.


The most common treatment for all pyometra cases, and the only option for a closed infection, is surgery to remove the dog’s uterus (spay). This is a difficult, high-risk operation because if the infection spills during removal it can be dangerous for the dog. Your vet may advise that, as many animals with severe pyometra show signs of being toxic or even shock, they may benefit from intravenous fluids, antibiotics and pain relief first to best prepare for the surgery.

Pyometra is one of the biggest reasons vets advise you to get your female spayed if you’re not planning to breed from her. Spaying a dog with pyometra is usually 100% successful, with her typically making a full and uneventful recovery with a good prognosis.

FREE Printable Breeding Puppy/Dog Sale Contract

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FREE Printable Breeding Puppy/Dog Sale Contract

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FREE Printable Holding Fee/Deposit Breeding Contract

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FREE Printable Holding Fee/Deposit Breeding Contract

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Top Quality, High Protein Dry Dog & Puppy Food – The Benefits Plus Price & Ingredients Comparison

Take a look at the ingredients listed on the food you are currently feeding your dog. The first ingredient should be meat content. Compare the ingredients with the dog foods listed here.

The Key Benefits To A Natural, High Protein Diet

Low Feed Ratio – Feeding your dog a high quality dog food means you don’t have to fed as much so can work out much cheaper than feeding a lower quality food overall.

Less Trips To The Vet – A good quality all natural, well balanced dog food boosts your dogs immune system and helps to keep dogs in top condition. Grain Free Food helps to aid dogs with skin allergies, dietary intolerance, obesity, diabetes, and digestive problems. Studies have shown a huge improvements in a dogs health and well-being once they have made the transition to a better diet. High quality foods contain added Joint & Hipcare, helping your dog have less issues as they get older meaning less need for expensive, regular pain medication. Many high quality dog foods are loaded with richly nourishing ratios of fresh meat, organs, cartilage and bones plus fresh whole fish and whole eggs, so provides a natural source of virtually every nutrient your dog needs to thrive.

Behavioural Optimising Food (BOF) – Is the principle of restoring the dog’s natural diet which means keeping the dog’s blood sugar stable. Most high quality dog foods are produced by very low preparation temperature to preserve the nutritional value, as vitamins and minerals are destroyed when cooked at high temperatures.

Highly Digestable – Unlike herbivores and ruminants, dogs are carnivores have a short, acidic digestive system. Dogs have adapted through evolution to thrive on a diet of fresh meats interspersed with smaller amounts of seasonal fruits and vegetables and avoids the use of cereals and ingredients commonly associated with digestive problems. In nature there are no synthetic supplements, so dogs and wolves derive their complete nutritional needs naturally by consuming whole animals which contain all of the nutrients they need to thrive. A dogs natural diet does not contain grains or cereals so their digestive system cannot digest them properly.

Slow Digestibility – Less strain on organs. Many low quality dry dog foods use grains as their primary source of protein. Diets that contain high levels of grain can be hard for dogs to digest and convert into energy. This could stress the liver and kidneys and can lead to the development of sensitivities and allergies. Grain Free Food helps to aid dogs with skin allergies, dietary intolerance, obesity, diabetes, and digestive problems. Dogs evolved as hunters and, just like their wild cousins, their teeth, jaws and digestive system are all adapted for meat concentrated diets that are rich in fresh meats.

Less Faeces – High protein content means your dog absorbs more ingredients resulting in less faeces. Low quality dog foods, especially those loaded with grains & cereal, are tough on dogs digestive systems. Grains and cereal are not part of a dogs natural diet, meaning a dogs digestive system cannot handle or absorb these unnecessary fillers therefore a dog that is feed a low quality diet will poop much more than a dog feed an all natural diet.

Less Smelly Faeces – High quality dog food can contain ingredients such as Yucca, which helps neutralise the smell of faeces. Less quality dog foods results in foul smelling poop.

Shiny Coat & Less Shedding Of Fur – High quality dog foods that contain Omega 3 & 6 helps to give your dog a soft, shiny coat and aids in reducing less shedding of fur. It also helps improve skin and fur irritations. Grains and cereals are proven to cause skin allergies in many dogs. Giving your dog a grain free diet helps avoid these skin & digestive issues resulting in better condition of the skin and coat,

High protein, grain free dog foods should not contain any artificial colours or flavourings. Most contain Human Grade meats – no meat derivatives (beaks & feathers!) unlike cheaper low quality dog foods. Many low quality dog food only contain 4% meat derivatives, which means there is barely any meat content and it ‘derivatives’ means it could be any part of an animal so there may not be any muscle or organ meat at all!

Take a look at the ingredients listed on the food you are currently feeding your dog. The first ingredient should be meat content. Compare the ingredients with the dog foods below.

All items below have been researched, and the price per Kg is the cheapest I have found – you can click on each item title to view the full details, or to buy the product. I have listed each in price order – lowest to highest. Bear in mind, the bigger the bag you buy, the more money you save per Kg. Therefore there may be a variation to the prices listed below and you may save more per Kg than listed.

Seven Grain Free Adult Superfood – Meat

Price Per Kg: approx. £3.58

  • 80% Chicken, Turkey, Duck & Fish – Of which 55% is freshly prepared Chicken, Turkey & Fish.
  • 20% Fruit and Vegetables.
  • Added Seaweed and Cranberry – A source of iodine to help support thyroid health, coat condition and to help promote a healthy urinary tract.
  • Hypoallergenic & Grain Free – No added grain, gluten, soya, dairy, beef or pork so suitable for those dogs with grain intolerances/sensitivities.
  • Sweet Potato – An excellent alternative to grains, sweet potato is a complex carbohydrate high in B vitamins.
  • With Salmon Oil – An excellent source of EPA & DHA to support cognitive function, visual development and to help reduce the inflammation response especially important for joints.
  • No added artificial colours or preservatives!


Freshly Prepared Chicken 36%, Dried Chicken 22%, Sweet Potato, Freshly Prepared Turkey 11%, Potato, Freshly Prepared Salmon 4%, Freshly Prepared Pollock 4%, Chicken Stock 1%, Dried Duck 1%, Pea Fibre, Salmon Oil 1%, Dried Egg, Minerals, Vitamins, Linseed, Dried Apple, Dried Carrot, Seaweed, Dried Spinach, Dried Cranberry, Tomato Pomace, Glucosamine 180mg/kg, Camomile Powder, Burdock Root Powder, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Peppermint, Marigold, Grapeseed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Dried Dandelion, Dried Bilberry, Ginseng, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano,Parsley, Sage

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Applaws – Chicken & Lamb

Price Per Kg: approx. £3.60

GRAIN FREE Applaws Complete Dry Dog Food provides a natural source of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids and also contains pre-biotic and pro-biotic.

  • Grain Free diets that use high levels of cereals can be hard for dogs to digest and metabolize
  • Complete and Balanced containing everything your dog needs to stay happy and healthy
  • Active Pro-Biotic Encourages Beneficial gut flora
  • 80% Animal Protein High meat content for easy digestibility


Composition: Chicken 61% (from Dried Chicken), Chicken Mince 10.5%, Peas 8% (from Dried Peas), Potato Starch 6%, Poultry Oil 2.5% (Source of Omega 6), lamb 5% (from Dried Lamb), Beet Pulp, Poultry Gravy, Whole Egg (from Dried Egg), Cellulose Plant Fibre, Minerals, Vitamins, Salmon Oil (source of omega 3), Tomato (from Dried Tomato), Carrot (from Dried Carrot) Chicory Extract (F.O.S), Alfalfa Meal, Seaweed/Kelp, Yeast Extract (Purified Beta Glucan 0.1%), Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane, Chondroitin, Carrot, Peppermint, Paprika Meal, Turmeric, Thyme Extract, Citrus Extract, Taurine 1000 mg/kg, Yucca Extract, Cranberry, Fennel Extract, Carob Extract, Ginger, Rosehip Extract, Dandelion Extract, Rosemary Oil Extract, Oregano, Probiotic: Contains E1705 Enterococcus faecium cernelle 68 (SF68: NCIMB 10415) 1,000,000 cfu/kg as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced gut flora in dogs.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Applaws – Chicken

Price Per Kg: approx. £3.67

GRAIN FREE Applaws Complete Dry Dog Food provides a natural source of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids and also contains pre-biotic and pro-biotic.

  • Grain Free diets that use high levels of cereals can be hard for dogs to digest and metabolize
  • Complete and Balanced containing everything your dog needs to stay happy and healthy
  • Natural Omega 3 & 6 Nourish your dog’s coat, producing a stunning silky appearance
  • 80% Animal Protein High meat content for easy digestibility


Chicken 66% (from Dried Chicken), Chicken Mince 8%, Peas 8% (from Dried Peas), Potato Starch 6%, Poultry Oil 2.5% (Source of Omega 6), Beet Pulp, Poultry Gravy, Whole Egg (from Dried Egg), Cellulose Plant Fibre, Minerals, Vitamins, Salmon Oil  (source of omega 3), Tomato (from Dried Potato), Carrot (from Dried Carrot) Chicory Extract (F.O.S), Alfalfa Meal, Seaweed/Kelp, Yeast Extract (Purified Beta Glucan 0.1%), Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane, Chondroitin, Carrot, Peppermint, Paprika Meal, Turmeric, Thyme Extract, Citrus Extract, Taurine 1000 mg/kg, Yucca Extract, Cranberry, Fennel Extract, Carob Extract, Ginger, Rosehip Extract, Dandelion Extract, Rosemary Oil Extract, Oregano, Probiotic: Contains E1705 Enterococcus faecium cernelle 68 (SF68: NCIMB 10415) 1,000,000 cfu/kg as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced gut flora in dogs

Suitable from weaning to old age

Essential – Superior Living

Price Per Kg: approx. £3.68

Made with fresh and dried chicken, duck, salmon, trout, egg 80 % Of which is fresh 45%


Fresh chicken and duck, dried chicken and duck, sweet potato, peas, fresh salmon and trout, linseed, fresh whole egg, chicken fat, potato, liver stock, lucerne sprout, vitamins, minerals, MOS (mannan oligosaccarides), FOS(fructooligosaccharides), glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (metylsulfonylmetan) cranberry, acai, blueberry, mulberry, apple, tomato, orange, pear, carrot, spinach, cauliflower, seaweed, marigold, ginseng, green tea, ginger.

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Simpsons Premium 80/20 – Mixed Meat & Fish

Price Per Kg: approx. £3.75

A high meat grain free recipe that has been formulated for all breeds of Adult and Senior dogs with human grade protein packed meat and animal ingredients (80%) fruit, vegetables and botanicals (20%) and 0% grains.


Deboned Chicken(27%), Dried Chicken(16%), Deboned Salmon(13%), Sweet Potato, Potato, Dried White Fish(7%), Dried Salmon(5%), Dried Turkey(4%), Chicken Fat(2%), Chicken Gravy(2%), Dried Whole Egg(2%), Deboned White Fish(2%), Pea Fibre, Lucerne, Minerals, Vitamins, Dried Apple, Dried Carrot, Spinach, Dried Seaweed, Dried Cranberry, Prebiotic FOS, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage.

Naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols.

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Eden Working Dog FoodOriginal Cuisine

Price Per Kg: approx. £3.91

Nutritionally complete food with quality freshly prepared English free run Chicken, Scottish Salmon, North Atlantic Herring, Traditionally reared Suffolk Duck and Whole Egg. Based on the Ancestral diet of your dog with a high content of quality animal protein aligned to a dogs natural food intake.

  • Low Carbohydrate content with fruit and vegetables
  • Naturally Hypoallergenic, formulated without Grain, Gluten or White Potato
  • Salmon and Herring providing Omega 3 & 6
  • Prebiotics to support digestion
  • Health supporting Herbs, Organic Vitamins and Minerals for optimum absorption
  • Additional Joint Supplements


Freshly Prepared Chicken 19%, Dried Chicken 18%, Freshly Prepared Salmon 15%, Dried Herring 12.5%, Sweet Potato 12%, Chicken Fat 4.5%, Dried Duck 4%, Tapioca 3.5%, Whole Egg 2.5%, Chicken Liver 2.5%, White Fish 2%, Pea Fibre 2%, Lucerne, Chickpea, Minerals & Vitamins, Carrot, Spinach, Apple, Rosehips, Camomile, Burdock Root, Seaweed, Cranberry, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Fructooligosaccharides (461 mg/kg), Glucosamine (341mg/kg), MSM (341mg/kg), Chondroitin (240mg/kg), Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage.

Suitable for Puppies, Adult and Senior Dogs

Truline – Meat & Fish Variety

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.00

Dogs are natural carnivores adapted through evolution to thrive on a diet of fresh meats interspersed with smaller amounts of seasonal fruits and vegetables. To reproduce this diet, Truline utilises high levels of fresh meats and vegetables, and avoids the use of cereals and ingredients commonly associated with digestive problems.


Dehydrated Turkey (13.4%), Dehydrated Chicken (13.4%), Fresh Chicken (13%), Fresh Salmon (13%), Cassava, Sweet Potato, Chicken Fat (7.6%), Whole Egg Powder (6.1%), Dehydrated Salmon (4.1%), Hydrolysed (2.8%), Salmon Oil (1.6%), Pea Fibre, Minerals, Prebiotic MOS, Prebiotic FOS, Dried Seaweed, Dried Green Tea, Dried Yucca Extract, Glucosamine, Dried Carrots, Dried Grape Seed, Chondroitin, Dried Spinach, Dried Green Beans, Bilberries, Cranberries, Blackcurrants, Apple, Comfrey, Dandelion, Marigold, Chamomile, Peppermint.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Acana Puppy & Junior – Poultry & Flounder

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.03

ACANA Puppy & Junior dog food is a delicious complete food brimming with free-run chicken and nest-laid eggs from local prairie farms, and wild-caught flounder from North Vancouver Island, delivered fresh to nourish peak health.


Fresh chicken meat (16%), chicken meal (13%), turkey meal (13%), red lentils, whole green peas, fresh chicken giblets (liver, heart, kidney) (6%), chicken fat (6%), fresh whole eggs (4%), fresh whole flounder (4%), herring meal (3%), herring oil (3%), sun-cured alfalfa (2%), green lentils, field beans (2%), whole yellow peas, pea fiber, fresh chicken cartilage (2%), dried brown kelp, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole parsnips, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh mustard greens, fresh turnip greens, fresh whole carrots, fresh red delicious apples, fresh Bartlett pears, freeze-dried chicken liver, freeze-dried turkey liver, fresh whole cranberries, fresh whole blueberries, chicory root, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rose hips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to 18 months old

Essential – Nautical Living

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.04

  • Made with fresh and dried salmon, trout, herring, season’s fish & egg 77,0 %
  • Of which is fresh (% of whole recipe) 55,0 %
  • Vegetables, seeds, herbs, berries,
  • fruit, vitamins, minerals


Fresh salmon and trout, sweet potato, dried herring, peas, dried salmon, fresh whole egg, fresh herring & season’s fish, salmon oil, linseed, lucerne sprout, salmon stock, potato, pea fibre, vitamins, minerals, MOS(mannan oligosaccarides), FOS (fructooligosaccharides),glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (metylsulfonylmetan)cranberry, acai, blueberry, mulberry, apple, tomato, orange, pear, carrot, spinach, cauliflower, seaweed, marigold, ginseng, green tea, ginger.

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Essential – The Beginning

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.18

Made with fresh and dried chicken, duck, salmon, trout, egg 85,0 % (Of which is fresh 42,0 %)


Fresh chicken and duck, dried chicken and duck, sweet potato, chicken fat, peas, fresh salmon and trout, fresh whole egg, linseed, potato, liver stock, lucerne sprout, vitamins, minerals, MOS (mannan oligosaccarides), FOS(fructooligosaccharides), glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (metylsulfonylmetan) cranberry, acai, blueberry, mulberry, apple, tomato, orange, pear, carrot, spinach, cauliflower, seaweed, marigold, ginseng, green tea, ginger.

Suitable from weaning

Essential – Stamina

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.18

A  high energy meal, specifically formulated for dogs with especially demanding activity level or lifestyles. Made with fresh and dried chicken, duck, salmon, trout, egg 88,0 % (Of which is fresh 53,0 %)


Fresh chicken and duck, dried chicken and duck, sweet potato, chicken fat, peas, fresh salmon and trout, fresh whole egg, linseed, potato, liver stock, lucerne sprout, vitamins, minerals, MOS (mannan oligosaccarides), FOS(fructooligosaccharides), glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (metylsulfonylmetan) cranberry, acai, blueberry, mulberry, apple, tomato, orange, pear, carrot, spinach, cauliflower, seaweed, marigold, ginseng, green tea, ginger.

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Truline – Fish Variety

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.20

Dogs are natural carnivores adapted through evolution to thrive on a diet of fresh meats interspersed with smaller amounts of seasonal fruits and vegetables. To reproduce a diet Truline utilises high levels of fresh, regional meats and vegetables, and avoids the use of cereals and ingredients commonly associated with digestive problems.


Dried whole Salmon (14.6%), Dried whole Ocean Fish (14.6%), Fresh whole Salmon (13%), Fresh whole Ocean Fish (15.8%), Chicken Gravy/Fat (7.6%), Cassava, Sweet Potato, Dried Whole Farm Eggs (6.1%), Dried Krill (1.7%), Norwegian Salmon Oil (1.6%), Pea Fibre, Minerals, Prebiotic MOS, Prebiotic FOS, Dried Seaweed, Dried Green Tea, Dried Yucca Extract, Glucosamine, Dried Carrots, Dried Grape Seed, Chondroitin, Dried Spinach, Dried Green Beans, Bilberries, Cranberries, Blackcurrants, Apple, Comfrey, Dandelion, Marigold, Chamomile, Peppermint.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Alpha Spirit Complete – Only Fish

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.33

  • Hypoallergenic dry food for adult dogs
  • Grain- and gluten-free: to make it highly digestible and ideal for dogs with grain allergies or intolerances
  • High fresh fish content: for every 3.1kg of this nutritious food, 1kg comes from fresh fish, including sardines, mackerel, hake, bream, Atlantic salmon and sea bass, with no meat meal
  • Patented production process: Tenderize Technology is similar to cold-pressing and helps ensure a rich nutrient and protein content for the dish
  • Wide range of nutrients: from fruits, vegetables, beneficial herbs, spices and aromatic seeds, including pumpkin, pear, blueberries, ginger, spinach, rosemary and fennel
  • Promotes healthy fur: with brewer’s yeast rich in vitamin B and omega-3 and -6 fatty acids
  • Chondroitin and glucosamine: for healthy joints and cartilage
  • With added taurine: to strengthen the heart and eyesight
  • Exclusively natural preservatives


Fresh fish (20% sardina pilchardus, 20% merluccius merluccius, 15% scomber scombrus, 15% trachurus mediterraneus, 10% salmo salar, 10% sparus aurata, 10% dicentrarchus labrax), hydrolysed starch, edible components of: peas, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, turmeric, ginger, apple, kiwi, pears, blueberries, spinach, herbs and aromatic seeds (rosemary, thyme, oregano, cumin, fennel, caraway), brewer’s yeast, minerals and vitamin complex, taurine, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.

Suitable from weaning to old age



Acana Regionals – Wild Prairie


Price Per Kg: approx. £4.39

ACANA Wild Prairie Dog contains 70% meat, including free-run chicken, turkey, whole nest-laid eggs and wild-caught fish – all deemed fit for human consumption prior to inclusion.

Free of the pea or potato protein concentrates, ACANA derives its rich protein content from animal ingredients (not plants), supporting lean muscle mass and nourishing your dog completely.

ACANA Wild Prairie Dog features a diversity of free-run chicken and turkey, whole eggs and wild-caught fish, all in richly nourishing WholePrey™ ratios of meat, organs and cartilage that mimic the natural diet.


Fresh chicken meat (8%), fresh turkey meat (8%), fresh chicken giblets (liver, heart, kidney) (8%), chicken meal (8%), turkey meal (8%), whole herring meal (8%), whole green peas, whole red lentils, whole chickpeas, fresh whole eggs (4%), fresh wild-caught walleye (4%), fresh wild-caught trout (4%), chicken fat (4%), fresh turkey giblets (liver, heart, kidney) (3%), whole green lentils, whole pinto beans, whole yellow peas, sun-cured alfalfa, pollock oil (2%), lentil fiber, dried chicken cartilage (1%), dried brown kelp, fresh pumpkin, fresh butternut squash, fresh parsnips, fresh green kale, fresh spinach, fresh mustard greens, fresh turnip greens, fresh carrots, fresh red delicious apples, fresh bartlett pears, freeze-dried liver (chicken and turkey) (0.1%), salt, fresh cranberries, fresh blueberries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age


Green Dog Grain Free – Duck With Turkey & Veg

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.57

Green Dog’s complete wheat free, high meat content dog food includes unique hypoallergenic formulations with bioactive herbs to promote a natural boost to your dog’s immune system.

The tasty food contains only 100% natural human grade ingredients, offers superb value and helps you maintain a happy healthy dog.

The grain free 100% natural and British made complete food is perfect for all dogs especially those with sensitive digestion, as it is packed with high quality human grade ingredients and only natural vitamins and minerals.


Duck 32%, Turkey 20%, Pea 15%, Potato 13%, Sweet Potato 10.5%, Lentils and Herbs 7%, Linseed, Carrot, Tomato, Spinach, Cranberry, Turkey Oil. Technological Additives: Rosemary Extract

Suitable from weaning to old age

Eden Working Dog Food – Fish Cuisine

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.67

Based on the Ancestral diet of your dog with quality Scottish Salmon and North Atlantic Herring, including seasonally available Cod, Haddock, Hake, Plaice and Pollock dependant on the “Catch of the Day”. Nutritionally complete food with a high content of quality protein aligned to a dogs natural food intake.

  • 80% fish content, 20% fruit and vegetables
  • Super foods; Spirulina and Green Lipped Mussel
  • With added Coconut Oil for multi-health benefits
  • Low carbohydrate/sugar content
  • Naturally Hypoallergenic, formulated without Grain, Gluten, White Potato
  • Freshly prepared Fish of human grade quality
  • Salmon and Herring providing Omega 3 & 6
  • Prebiotics to support digestion
  • Health supporting Herbs, Organic Vitamins and Minerals for optimum absorption
  • Additional Joint Supplements


Freshly Prepared Salmon 23%, Dried Herring 21.5%, Sweet Potato 13%, Dried Fish (including seasonally available Cod, Haddock, Hake, Plaice and Pollock) 8%, Dried Salmon 8%, Freshly Prepared Trout 6%, White fish 6%, Salmon Oil 6%, Pea Fibre, Salmon Stock 1.5%, Lucerne, Chickpea, Coconut Oil 0.5%, Spinach, Carrot, Apple, Green Lipped Mussel 0.1%, Spirulina 0.1%, Rosehips, Burdock Root, Camomile, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Seaweed, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Thyme

Suitable for Puppies, Adult and Senior Dogs

Europa 80/20 Grain Free – Poultry & Fish

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.67


Using only the finest ingredients Europa has created a blend of 80% Poultry & Fish with 20% Fruit, Vegetables, Botanicals, Herbs, Seeds, Vitamins & Minerals with added joint care.


Freshly Prepared Chicken 36%, Dried Chicken 22%, Sweet Potato, Freshly Prepared Turkey 11%, Potato, Freshly Prepared Salmon 4%, Freshly Prepared Pollock 4%, Chicken Stock 1%, Dried Duck 1%, Pea Fibre, Salmon Oil 1%, Dried Egg, Minerals, Vitamins, Linseed, Dried Apple, Dried Carrot, Seaweed, Dried Spinach, Dried Cranberry, Tomato Pomace, Hip & Joint Care (Glucosamine 180mg/kg, MSM 180 mg/kg, Chondroitin 125 mg/kg), Camomile Powder, Burdock Root Powder, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Peppermint, Marigold, Grapeseed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Dried Dandelion, Dried Bilberry, Ginseng, Thyme, Majoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage.

Suitable from weaning to old age



Akela 80/20 – Original

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.90

  • Vet-approved
  • High meat content for extra palatability and protein
  • No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives used
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Prebiotics and Cranberries added for extra benefits


80% Duck (46% Rehydrated Duck, 31% Freshly Prepared Duck, 2% Duck Fat, 1% Duck Stock), Sweet Potato 9%, Tapioca 3%, Chickpeas 2%, Alfalfa/Lucerne 2%, Linseed 2%, Vitamins, Minerals, Chicory, Carrot, Tomato, Apple, Pear, Cranberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Mixed Herbs, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Camomile, Rosehips, Nettle, Yucca Extract, Marigold, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Joint Support [Glucosamine (180 mg/kg), MSM (180 mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (125 mg/kg)].

Suitable from weaning to old age

Simpsons Premium 80/20 – Mixed Fish

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.99

A grain free recipe that has been formulated for all breeds of Adult and Senior dogs with human grade protein packed fish ingredients (80%) fruit, vegetables and botanicals (20%) and 0% grains.


Deboned Salmon(21%), Dried Herring(21%), Deboned White Fish(17%), Potato, Sweet Potato, Salmon Oil(7.5%), Dried Salmon(6%), Dried White Fish(6%), Lucerne, Salmon Stock(1.5%), Pea Fibre, Minerals, Vitamins, Dried Apple, Dried Carrot, Spinach, Dried Seaweed, Dried Cranberry, Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Prebiotic FOS. Naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols.

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Alpha Spirit Complete – Multi Protein

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.99

The recipe of this Alpha Spirit The Only One Multi-Protein complete dry dog food is based around your adult dog’s natural nutritional needs, in a hypoallergenic and highly digestible dish. This meal is made using only the freshest meat and fish, which has not be extruded but rather made using patented Tenderize Technology. This is similar to cold-pressing and ensures your dog can benefit as much as possible from the nutritional content of the dish. This high quality Alpha Spirit The Only One Multi-Protein kibble contains 100% natural ingredients and no meat meal in a grain- and gluten-free recipe. This ensures that even sensitive dogs suffering from allergies or intolerances can benefit from this delicious, nutritious dish.

Alpha Spirit The Only One Multi-Protein contains high quality protein from fresh beef, pork, chicken and fish, ensuring an optimum and varied nutrient and amino acid profile. This supports all of your dog’s vital bodily functions. It also contains a range of plant extracts from a selection of fruits and vegetables, beneficial herbs and aromatic seeds, including fennel and cumin. Alpha Spirit The Only One Multi-Protein is also enriched with a range of functional ingredients such as brewer’s yeast, taurine, chondroitin, glucosamine and vitamins. These ensure that this complete, balanced dish is highly flavoursome and helps to support your dog’s overall health and vitality


Fresh meat and fish (30% fresh chicken, 20% fresh fish [sardina pilchardus, scomber scombrus, trachurus mediterraneus], 15% fresh chicken liver, 10% fresh beef, 10% fresh pork liver, 10% fresh turkey, 5% pork trotter), hydrolysed starch, edible components of: peas, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, turmeric, ginger, apple, kiwi, pear, blueberries, spinach, herbs and aromatic seeds (rosemary, thyme, oregano, cumin, fennel, caraway), brewer’s yeast, minerals and vitamin complex, taurine, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Simpsons Premium 80/20 – Puppy Mixed Fish & Chicken

Price Per Kg: approx. £4.99

Puppy Mixed Fish & Chicken is a high meat grain free recipe that has been formulated for all breeds of Puppies with Human Grade protein packed Fish and Chicken ingredients (80%), Fruit, Vegetables and Botanicals (20%) and 0% Grains. With lower calcium, phosphorous and oil levels this make it also ideal for large breeds.


Deboned Salmon (21%), Dried Herring (21%), Deboned White Fish (9%), Sweet Potato, Deboned Chicken (8%), Salmon Oil (7%), Potato, Dried Salmon (6%), Dried Chicken (3%), Pea Fibre, Dried White Fish (3%), Chicken Gravy (2%), Vitamins and Minerals, Lucerne, Yucca Extract, Dried Apple, Dried Carrot, Spinach, Dried Seaweed, Dried Cranberry, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), Aniseed, Fenugreek, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin. Naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols

Suitable from weaning to 12 months

Akela 80/20 – Fish Feast

Price Per Kg: approx. £5.10

  • Vet-approved
  • High meat content for extra palatability and protein
  • No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives used
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Prebiotics and Cranberries added for extra benefits


Ingredients: 80% Duck (46% Rehydrated Duck, 31% Freshly Prepared Duck, 2% Duck Fat, 1% Duck Stock), Sweet Potato 9%, Tapioca 3%, Chickpeas 2%, Alfalfa/Lucerne 2%, Linseed 2%, Vitamins, Minerals, Chicory, Carrot, Tomato, Apple, Pear, Cranberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Mixed Herbs, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Camomile, Rosehips, Nettle, Yucca Extract, Marigold, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Joint Support [Glucosamine (180 mg/kg), MSM (180 mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (125 mg/kg)].

Suitable from weaning to old age

Eden Working Dog Food – Country Cuisine

Price Per Kg: approx. £5.20

Nutritionally complete food with a high content of quality traditionally reared freshly prepared Suffolk Duck, grass reared Lamb, Rabbit and Venison

Based on the Ancestral diet of your dog with quality protein aligned to a dogs natural food intake.

  • Low Carbohydrate content with fruit and vegetables
  • Naturally Hypoallergenic, formulated without Grain or Gluten
  • Formulated without White Potato
  • With added Coconut Oil for multi-health benefits
  • Freshly prepared meats of human grade quality
  • Prebiotics to support digestion
  • Health supporting Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals
  • Additional Joint Supplements


Freshly Prepared Duck 30%, Dried Duck 13%, Sweet Potato 13%, Freshly Prepared Lamb 10%, Dried Rabbit 8%, Freshly Prepared Venison 7%, Duck Fat 5%, Tapioca 3.5%, Chickpea 3.5%, Dried Lamb 3%, Whole Egg 2%, Duck Liver 2%, Pea Fibre 0.5%, Coconut Oil 0.06%, Carrot, Apple, Spinach, Lucerne, Rosehips, Burdock Root, Camomile, Seaweed, Cranberry, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Minerals & Vitamins, Fructooligosaccharides 450mg/kg, Glucosamine 340mg/kg, Methylsulfonylmethane 340mg/kg, Chondroitin Sulphate 240mg/kg.

Suitable for Puppies, Adult and Senior Dogs

Orijen – Original


Price Per Kg: approx. £5.26



With 38% richly nourishing protein and a limited 19% carbohydrates, ORIJEN nourishes dogs of all breeds and life stages according to their evolutionary and biological needs

Unmatched by any other dog food, 2/3 of ORIJEN meats are FRESH (refrigerated, no preservatives) or RAW (flash-frozen, no preservatives), including the top 10 meat ingredients.

1/3 of meats are air dried at 90°C from fresh chicken, turkey and fish to create a concentrated source of richly nourishing protein.

Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh meat, organs, cartilage and bones plus whole fish and whole eggs provide a natural source of virtually every nutrient your dog needs.

Infusions of freeze-dried chicken and turkey liver enhance flavour naturally, making ORIJEN deliciously tasty for the fussiest of dogs.


Fresh chicken meat (13%), fresh turkey meat (7%), fresh whole eggs (7%), fresh chicken liver (6%), fresh whole herring (6%), fresh whole flounder (5%), fresh turkey liver (5%), fresh chicken necks (4%), fresh chicken heart (4%), fresh turkey heart (4%), chicken (dehydrated, 4%), turkey (dehydrated, 4%), whole mackerel (dehydrated, 4%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 4%), whole herring (dehydrated, 4%), whole red lentils, whole green lentils, whole green peas, lentil fiber, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, whole pinto beans, whole navy beans, herring oil (1%), chicken fat (1%), chicken cartilage (1%), chicken liver (freeze-dried), turkey liver (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole red delicious apples, fresh whole bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Orijen – Puppy


Price Per Kg: approx. £5.26


With 38% richly nourishing protein, and a limited 17% low-glycemic carbohydrates, ORIJEN nourishes puppies according to their evolutionary and biological needs.

Unmatched by any other puppy food, 2/3 of ORIJEN meats are FRESH (refrigerated, without preservatives) or RAW (flash-frozen, without preservatives), including the top 10 ingredients.

1/3 of meats are air dried at 90°C from fresh chicken, turkey and fish to create a concentrated source of richly nourishing protein to support your growing puppy.

Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh meat, organs, cartilage and bones plus fresh whole fish and fresh whole eggs provide a natural source of virtually every nutrient your puppy needs.

Infusions of freeze-dried chicken and turkey liver enhance flavour naturally, making ORIJEN deliciously tasty for the fussiest of puppies.


Fresh chicken meat (11%), fresh turkey meat (7%), fresh whole eggs (6%), fresh whole herring (6%), fresh chicken liver (5%), fresh whole flounder (5%), fresh turkey liver (5%), fresh chicken heart (4%), fresh turkey heart (4%), fresh chicken necks (4%), chicken (dehydrated, 4%), turkey (dehydrated, 4%), whole mackerel (dehydrated, 4%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 4%), whole herring (dehydrated, 4%), chicken fat (4%), herring oil (2%), whole red lentils, whole green peas, whole green lentils, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, lentil fiber, whole pinto beans, whole navy beans, chicken bone and cartilage (1%), chicken liver (freeze-dried), turkey liver (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole red delicious apples, fresh whole bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to 12 months

AATU – Chicken

Price Per Kg: approx. £5.32

AATU is a unique high protein diet that provides dogs with the true benefits supplied by Mother Nature. Each recipe contains over 80% meat or fish, and is enriched with 32 fruits, veggies, herbs, spices and botanicals. AATU is freshly prepared and hand-crafted in small batch recipes. It is also completely FREE FROM gluten, grain, white potato, artificial colours, flavours and preservatives, and GM ingredients.


80% Chicken (50% Chicken, 30% Dehydrated Chicken), Sweet Potato, Chickpeas, Peas, Lucerne, Chicken Stock, Salmon Oil, Carrots, Tomato, Chicory, Tapioca, Apple, Pear, Cranberry, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Stinging Nettle, Yucca, Marigold, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Hip & Joint Care  (Glucosamine 178mg/kg, MSM 178mg/kg, Chondroitin 125mg/kg).

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Orijen – Senior


Price Per Kg: approx. £5.61


With 38% richly nourishing protein, and a limited 19% low-glycemic carbohydrates, ORIJEN nourishes all senior dogs according to their evolutionary and biological needs.

Unmatched by any other senior dog food, 2/3 of meats are FRESH (refrigerated, no preservatives) or RAW (flash-frozen, no preservatives), including the top 10 meat ingredients.

1/3 of poultry and fish are prepared at 90°C from fresh chicken, turkey and fish to create a concentrated source of richly nourishing protein that cannot be supplied by fresh meats alone.

Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh meat, organs, cartilage and bones plus fresh whole fish and fresh whole eggs provide a natural source of virtually every nutrient your senior dog needs.

Infusions of gently freeze-dried liver enhance flavour and palatability naturally, making ORIJEN deliciously tasty, even for fussy eaters.


Fresh chicken meat (13%), fresh whole eggs (7%), fresh turkey meat (7%), fresh whole herring (7%), fresh chicken liver (6%), fresh whole flounder (4%), fresh turkey liver (4%), fresh chicken necks (4%), fresh chicken heart (4%), fresh turkey heart (4%), chicken (dehydrated, 4%), turkey (dehydrated, 4%), whole mackerel (dehydrated, 4%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 4%), whole herring (dehydrated, 4%), whole red lentils, whole green lentils, whole green peas, lentil fiber, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, whole pinto beans, chicken cartilage (1%), whole navy beans, herring oil (1%), chicken fat (1%), turkey cartilage (1%), chicken liver (freeze-dried), turkey liver (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole red delicious apples, fresh whole bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, Enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from 7 years to old age

Naturea Regional – Chicken

Price Per Kg: approx. £5.67

Your dog is a carnivore and as such, should not be fed grains. Naturea Regional follows the Naturally Suited concept, in order to meet the nutritional needs of all breeds and sizes of adult dogs. Developed by vets and nutritionists, Naturea Regional is grain-free and contains roughly 62% animal origin ingredients, enhanced with sweet potato, salmon oil, eggs, fruits, vegetables and seaweed.

Naturea Regional has high levels of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM to nurture healthy joints and the mobility of your dog.


51% Chicken (includes 38% Chicken Meal and 13% Fresh Deboned Chicken), 27% Sweet Potato, Chicken Fat, Lucerne, Linseed, Chicken Gravy, Salmon Oil, Minerals, Vitamins, Egg Powder, Glucosamine (min. 800mg/kg), Methylsulfonylmethane (min. 800mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (min. 550mg/kg), Fructooligosaccharides, Apple, Carrot, Tomato, Spinach, Psyllium, Rosehips, Camomile, Burdock Root, Peppermint, Marigold, Seaweed, Cranberry, Dandelion, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage.

Suitable from weaning to 7 years

Acana Regionals – Pacifica

Price Per Kg: approx. £5.87

Reflecting the rich maritime harvest from Canada’s cold and pristine Pacific waters, ACANA Pacifica is loaded with fresh and regional Canadian fish, wild and sustainably caught off North Vancouver Island.

Bursting with Pacific herring, pilchard, flounder, hake and rockfish that are delivered FRESH and WHOLE daily, ACANA Pacifica nourishes your dog naturally, without long lists of additives.

Trusted everywhere, carbohydrate-limited and protein-rich ACANA promotes peak physical conditioning in dogs of all breeds and life stages.


Fresh whole pacific herring (14%), fresh whole pacific pilchard (12%), fresh whole arrowtooth flounder (8%), whole herring meal (8%), pacific cod meal (7%), whole whiting meal (7%), whole green peas, whole red lentils, whole chickpeas, whole green lentils, pollock oil (6%), fresh whole silver hake (4%), fresh whole redstripe rockfish (4%), whole pinto beans, whole yellow peas, sun-cured alfalfa, cold-pressed sunflower oil, lentil fiber, dried brown kelp, fresh pumpkin, fresh butternut squash, fresh parsnips, fresh green kale, fresh spinach, fresh mustard greens, fresh turnip greens, fresh carrots, fresh red delicious apples, fresh bartlett pears, freeze-dried cod liver (0.1%), fresh cranberries, fresh blueberries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Akela 80/20 – Duck


Price Per Kg: approx. £6.10

  • Vet-approved
  • High meat content for extra palatability and protein
  • No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives used
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Prebiotics and Cranberries added for extra benefits


80% Duck (46% Rehydrated Duck, 31% Freshly Prepared Duck, 2% Duck Fat, 1% Duck Stock), Sweet Potato 9%, Tapioca 3%, Chickpeas 2%, Alfalfa/Lucerne 2%, Linseed 2%, Vitamins, Minerals, Chicory, Carrot, Tomato, Apple, Pear, Cranberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Mixed Herbs, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Camomile, Rosehips, Nettle, Yucca Extract, Marigold, Aniseed & Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Joint Support [Glucosamine (180 mg/kg), MSM (180 mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (125 mg/kg)]. Analysis: Protein:32% Oils&Fats:17.0% Fibre:4.6% Minerals:11% Calcium:1.9% Phosphorous:1.4% Omega 6:2.4% Omega 3:1% Moisture:8.0% NFE:26.7% Metabolisable Energy: 350Kcal/100g

Suitable from weaning to old age

Orijen – Fit & Trim


Price Per Kg: approx. £6.14


42% richly nourishing protein, 17% carbohydrates and a unique blend of soluble fibres nourish dogs according to their evolutionary and biological needs.

Unmatched by any other dry dog food, 2/3 of ORIJEN’s meats are FRESH (refrigerated, no preservatives) or RAW (flash-frozen, no preservatives), including the top 10 meat ingredients.

1/3 of poultry and fish are gently dried at 90°C from fresh chicken, turkey and fish, creating a concentrated source of nourishing protein that cannot be supplied by fresh meats alone.

Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh meat, organs, cartilage and bones plus fresh whole fish and fresh whole eggs provide a natural source of virtually every nutrient your dog needs.

Infusions of gently freeze-dried liver enhance flavour and palatability naturally, making ORIJEN deliciously tasty, even for fussy dogs.



Fresh chicken meat (14%), fresh whole eggs (6%), fresh whole herring (6%), fresh turkey meat (6%), fresh chicken liver (6%), fresh whole flounder (4%), fresh whole mackerel (4%), fresh whole pacific hake (4%), fresh turkey liver (4%), fresh chicken heart (4%), chicken (dehydrated, 4%), turkey (dehydrated, 4%), whole mackerel (dehydrated, 4%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 4%), whole herring (dehydrated, 4%), alaskan pollock (dehydrated, 4%), lentil fiber, whole red lentils, whole green lentils, whole green peas, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, whole pinto beans, whole navy beans, chicken cartilage (dehydrated, 1%), fresh turkey heart (1%), apple fiber, dried algae (source of DHA and EPA), pumpkin (dehydrated), butternut squash (dehydrated), carrots (dehydrated), chicken liver (freeze-dried), turkey liver (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole red delicious apples, fresh whole bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips.

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Wolfworthy 80/20

Price Per Kg: approx. £6.27

The Dry Food Alternative to Feeding Raw

All Natural Grain-Free Adult Dog Food. Made from 80% Meat and 20% Vegetables, Fruits & Herbs.  It contains absolutely no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.


Freshly Prepared Chicken (21%), Dehydrated Chicken (15%), Sweet Potato (14%), Dehydrated Turkey (7%), Dehydrated Salmon (6%), Freshly Prepared Beef Liver (5%), Freshly Prepared Salmon (5%), Freshly Prepared Trout (5%), Freshly Prepared Free Range Eggs (3%), Chicken Fat (3%), Freshly Prepared Beef Hearts (3%), Freshly Prepared Beef Kidneys (3%), Salmon Oil (2%) Chicken Gravy (2%), Peas (1%), Broccoli (1%), Spinach (1%), Carrot (1%), Celery Root (1%), Vitamins & Minerals (0.3%), Seaweed (0.2%), Yucca Extract (0.1%), Brewer’s Yeast (0.1%), Chicory (0.1%), Fructooligosaccharides (1,925 mg/kg, 0.1%), Mannanoligosaccharides (170 mg/kg, 0.04%), Apple (0.03%), Cranberry (0.03%), Pear (0.03%), Bilberry (0.03%), Devil’s Claw (0.03%), Rosemary (0.03%), Green Tea Extract (0.03%), Garlic (0.03%), Glucosamine (180 mg/kg), Methylsulphonylmethane (180 mg/kg), Chrondroitin Sulphate (125 mg/kg).

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Acana Regionals – Grasslands

Price Per Kg: approx. £6.38

ACANA Grasslands Dog contains 70% meat, including grass-fed lamb, free-run duck, nest-laid eggs and freshwater fish – all deemed fit for human consumption prior to inclusion in our foods.

Entirely free of the pea or potato protein concentrates, ACANA derives its rich protein content from animal ingredients (not plants), supporting lean muscle mass and nourishing your dog completely

ACANA Grasslands Dog features a diversity of grass-fed meats, free-run duck, nest-laid eggs and freshwater fish in richly nourishing WholePrey™ ratios of meat, organs and cartilage that mimic the natural diet.


Raw grass-fed lamb (8%), fresh duck (8%), fresh whole eggs (8%), lamb meat meal (8%), whole herring meal (7%), turkey meal (7%), whole green peas, whole red lentils, whole chickpeas, fresh wild-caught northern pike (4%), raw lamb liver (4%), fresh duck giblets (liver, heart, kidney) (4%), fresh turkey meat (4%), lamb fat (4%), whole green lentils, whole pinto beans, whole yellow peas, sun-cured alfalfa, pollock oil (2%), lentil fiber, dried lamb cartilage (1%), raw lamb tripe (1%), dried brown kelp, fresh pumpkin, fresh butternut squash, fresh parsnips, fresh green kale, fresh spinach, fresh mustard greens, fresh turnip greens, fresh carrots, fresh red delicious apples, fresh bartlett pears, freeze-dried liver (lamb and duck) (0.1%), fresh cranberries, fresh blueberries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age

AATU – Salmon & Herring


Price Per Kg: approx. £6.40

AATU is handcrafted in small batch recipes, naturally made without artificial colours, without artificial preservatives, without artificial flavours and without GM ingredients. The fresh and raw protein is pre-cooked using our “low & slow”TM method to ensure efficient digestion of the meats.

Key Benefits:

  • From an Ethically Awarded independently owned British company.
  • Handcrafted in small batch recipes.
  • Single Protein 80/20 diet to minimize allergic reactions.
  • Freshly prepared, preservative free meat.
  • ‘SUPER-8’ – Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Spices & Botanicals provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance.
  • Grain, White Potato & Gluten Free to minimizing allergic reactions.
  • Concentrated formula for lower maintenance feeding.
  • For 1kg of finished product we use 2.5kg of raw ingredients.
  • Added Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM for healthy joints
  • Probiotics (Enterococcus Faecium) as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced intestinal microbiota in dogs
  • Made without artificial colours, artificial preservatives, artificial flavours and GM ingredients.


80% Fish (51% Salmon, 29% Dehydrated Herring), Sweet Potato, Chickpeas, Peas, Lucerne, Salmon Stock, Carrots, Tomato, Chicory, Tapioca, Apple, Pear, Cranberry, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Stinging Nettle, Yucca, Marigold, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Hip & Joint Care (Glucosamine 178mg/kg, MSM 178mg/kg, Chondroitin 125mg/kg).

Suitable from 12 months to old age

AATU – Duck


Price Per Kg: approx. £6.40

AATU is handcrafted in small batch recipes, naturally made without artificial colours, without artificial preservatives, without artificial flavours and without GM ingredients. The fresh and raw protein is pre-cooked using our “low & slow”TM method to ensure efficient digestion of the meats.

Key Benefits:

  • From an Ethically Awarded independently owned British company.
  • Handcrafted in small batch recipes.
  • Single Protein 80/20 diet to minimize allergic reactions.
  • Freshly prepared, preservative free meat.
  • ‘SUPER-8’ – Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Spices & Botanicals provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance.
  • Grain, White Potato & Gluten Free to minimizing allergic reactions.
  • Concentrated formula for lower maintenance feeding.
  • For 1kg of finished product we use 2.5kg of raw ingredients.
  • Added Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM for healthy joints
  • Probiotics (Enterococcus Faecium) as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced intestinal microbiota in dogs
  • Made without artificial colours, artificial preservatives, artificial flavours and GM ingredients.


80% Duck (51% Duck, 29% Dehydrated Duck), Sweet Potato, Chickpeas, Peas, Lucerne, Salmon Oil, Duck Stock, Carrots, Tomato, Chicory, Tapioca, Apple, Pear, Cranberry,  Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Stinging Nettle, Yucca, Marigold,  Aniseed, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Hip & Joint Care (Glucosamine 178mg/kg, MSM 178mg/kg, Chondroitin 125mg/kg).

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Orijen – Six Fish


Price Per Kg: approx. £6.40



With 38% richly nourishing protein, and a limited 18% low-glycemic carbohydrates, ORIJEN SIX FISH nourishes dogs of all life stages according to their evolutionary and biological needs.

Unmatched by any other dog food, 2/3 of ORJEN’s fish are FRESH (refrigerated, without preservatives) or RAW (flash-frozen, without preservatives), including the top 6 fish ingredients.

1/3 of fish are gently dried at 90°C from fresh whole fish to create a concentrated source of richly nourishing protein that cannot be supplied by fresh fish alone.

Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh whole fish (including meat, organs, and bones) provide virtually every nutrient your dog needs to thrive – only zinc and copper are added.

Infusions of freeze-dried cod liver enhance flavour naturally, making ORIJEN deliciously tasty, even for fussy eaters.


Fresh whole pacific pilchard (18%), fresh whole pacific mackerel (13%), fresh whole pacific hake (12%), fresh whole pacific flounder (5%), fresh whole rockfish (5%), fresh whole sole (5%), whole mackerel (dehydrated, 5%), whole herring (dehydrated, 5%), alaskan cod (dehydrated, 4.5%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 4.5%), whole blue whiting (dehydrated, 4%), herring oil (4%), whole red lentils, whole green lentils, whole green peas, lentil fiber, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, sunflower oil (cold-pressed), whole pinto beans, cod liver (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole red delicious apples, fresh whole bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Acana Regionals – Ranchlands

Price Per Kg: approx. £6.64

ACANA Ranchlands Dog contains 70% meat, Angus beef, grass-fed lamb, Yorkshire pork, Plains bison and wild walleye – all deemed fit for human consumption prior to inclusion in our foods.

Entirely free of the pea or potato protein concentrates, ACANA derives its rich protein content from animal ingredients (not plants), supporting lean muscle mass and nourishing your dog completely.

ACANA Ranchlands Dog features a diversity of Angus beef, grass-fed lamb, Yorkshire pork, Plains bison and freshwater fish in richly nourishing WholePrey™ ratios of meat, organs and cartilage that mimic the natural diet.


Fresh angus beef (8%), raw grass-fed lamb (7%), fresh yorkshire pork (7%), beef meat meal (7%), lamb meat meal (7%), pork meat meal (7%), whole green peas, whole red lentils, whole chickpeas, beef fat (5%), fresh beef liver (4%), fresh pork liver (4%), fresh bison (4%), fresh wild-caught walleye (4%), whole green lentils, whole pinto beans, whole yellow peas, sun-cured alfalfa, fresh beef kidney (2%), pollock oil (2%), lentil fiber, dried beef cartilage (1%), raw lamb tripe (1%), dried brown kelp, fresh pumpkin, fresh butternut squash, fresh parsnips, fresh green kale, fresh spinach, fresh mustard greens, fresh turnip greens, fresh carrots, fresh red delicious apples, fresh bartlett pears, freeze-dried liver (beef, lamb, pork) (0.1%), fresh cranberries, fresh blueberries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age

Orijen – Regional Red


Price Per Kg: approx. £7.28


With 38% richly nourishing protein and a limited 18% low-glycemic carbohydrates, REGIONAL RED nourishes all breeds and life stages according to their evolutionary and biological needs.

Unmatched by any other dog food, 2/3 of ORIJEN’s meats are FRESH (refrigerated, no preservatives) or RAW (flash-frozen, no preservatives), including the top 10 meat ingredients.

1/3 of meats are gently dried at 90°C from fresh red meats and fish to create a concentrated source of richly nourishing protein that cannot be supplied by fresh meats alone.

Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh meat, organs, cartilage and bones provide virtually every nutrient your dog needs to thrive – only zinc is added.

Infusions of freeze-dried liver enhance flavour naturally, making ORIJEN deliciously tasty, even for fussy eaters.


Fresh angus beef meat (11%), fresh wild boar meat (4%), fresh plains bison meat (4%), fresh or raw romney lamb meat (4%), fresh yorkshire pork meat (4%), fresh beef liver (4%), fresh beef tripe (4%), fresh whole pilchard (4%), fresh whole eggs (4%), fresh wild boar liver (4%), lamb (dehydrated, 4%), beef (dehydrated, 4%), whole herring (dehydrated, 4%), mutton (dehydrated, 4%), pork (dehydrated, 4%), fresh lamb liver (3.5%), fresh lamb tripe (3.5%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 3%), fresh pork liver (3%), whole red lentils, whole green lentils, whole green peas, lentil fiber, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, whole pinto beans, beef fat (1%), pork fat (1%), herring oil (1%), beef cartilage (dehydrated, 1%), beef liver (freeze-dried), beef tripe (freeze-dried), lamb liver (freeze-dried), lamb tripe (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole red delicious apples, fresh whole bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, Enterococcus faecium.

Suitable from weaning to old age

AATU – Fish & Shellfish


Price Per Kg: approx. £7.31

AATU is handcrafted in small batch recipes, naturally made without artificial colours, without artificial preservatives, without artificial flavours and without GM ingredients. The fresh and raw protein is pre-cooked using our “low & slow”TM method to ensure efficient digestion of the meats.

Please note – customers who order the 10kg version of this product will receive 2*5kg bags

Key Benefits:

  • From an Ethically Awarded independently owned British company.
  • Handcrafted in small batch recipes.
  • Single Protein 80/20 diet to minimize allergic reactions.
  • Freshly prepared, preservative free meat.
  • ‘SUPER-8’ – Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Spices & Botanicals provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance.
  • Grain, White Potato & Gluten Free to minimizing allergic reactions.
  • Concentrated formula for lower maintenance feeding.
  • For 1kg of finished product we use 2.5kg of raw ingredients.
  • Added Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM for healthy joints
  • Probiotics (Enterococcus Faecium) as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced intestinal microbiota in dogs
  • Made without artificial colours, artificial preservatives, artificial flavours and GM ingredients.


80% Fish (Includes 44% Salmon, 29% Dehydrated Herring, 2% Crayfish, 2% Scallops, 2% Whelks, 1% Salmon Stock), Sweet Potato, Chickpeas, Peas, Lucerne, Minerals, Vitamins, Tapioca, Apple, Cranberry, Pear, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Carrot, Tomato, Chicory, Peppermint, Parsley, Cinnamon, Marigold, Stinging Nettle, Camomile, Rosehip, Yucca, Spirulina, Seaweed, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Hip & Joint Care (Glucosamine 178mg/kg, MSM 178mg/kg, Chondroitin 125mg/kg).

Suitable from 12 months to old age

AATU For Puppies

Price Per Kg: approx. £8.54

AATU for Puppies is handcrafted in small batch recipes, naturally made without artificial colours, without artificial preservatives, without artificial flavours and without GM ingredients. The fresh and raw protein is pre-cooked using our “low & slow”TM method to ensure efficient digestion of the meats.

Key Benefits:

  • From an Ethically Awarded independently owned British company.
  • Handcrafted in small batch recipes.
  • Single Protein 85/15 diet to minimize allergic reactions.
  • Freshly prepared, preservative free meat.
  • ‘SUPER-8’ – Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Spices & Botanicals provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance.
  • Grain, White Potato & Gluten Free to minimizing allergic reactions.
  • Concentrated formula for lower maintenance feeding.
  • For 1kg of finished product we use 2.5kg of raw ingredients.
  • Added Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM for healthy joints
  • Probiotics (Enterococcus Faecium) as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced intestinal microbiota in dogs
  • Made without artificial colours, artificial preservatives, artificial flavours and GM ingredients.


85% Salmon (Includes 44% Salmon, 40% Dehydrated Salmon, 1% Salmon Stock), Sweet Potato, Chickpeas, Peas, Lucerne, Minerals, Vitamins, Prebiotic MOS, Prebiotic FOS, Tapioca, Apple, Cranberry, Pear, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Carrot, Tomato, Chicory, Peppermint, Parsley, Cinnamon, Marigold, Stinging Nettle, Camomile, Rosehip, Yucca, Spirulina, Seaweed, Aniseed, Fenugreek, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme

Suitable from weaning to 12 months

Carnilove – Chicken & Rabbit


Price Per Kg: approx. £9.02


Carnilove Fresh Chicken & Rabbit has been formulated with respect for the laws of nature and provides your canine buddy with balanced nutrition rich in fresh meat combined with a variety of vegetables, berries, and herbs. Returning to a natural diet improves your dog’s digestion and supports proper growth

of muscles and cartilage. Mussel extracts ensure strong bones and healthy joints.

Chicken is a great source of essential amino acids and minerals. Its high protein content ensures proper development of all tissues and, in combination with easily digestible protein from rabbit meat, it makes this recipe unique and highly suitable for any carnivore. Rabbit meat is also very low in fat, which means it is exceptionally lean.


fresh chicken deboned (40%), dried rabbit (20%), dried duck (10%), pumpkin, chickpeas, peas, chicken fat (preserved with tocopherols, 5%), chicken liver (3%), salmon oil (2%), apples, carrots, flaxseed, hydrolyzed crustacean shells (a source of glucosamine, 0.026%), cartilage extract (a source of chondroitin, 0.016%), brewer’s yeast (a source of mannan-oligosaccharides, 0.015%), chicory root (a source of fructo-oligosaccharides, 0.01%), yucca schidigera (0.01%), algae (0.01%), psyllium (0.01%), thyme (0.01%), rosemary (0.01%), oregano (0.01%), cranberries (0.0008%), blueberries (0.0008%), sea buckthorn (0.0008%), ginger root (0.0008%), sage (0.0008%)

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Carnilove – Carp & Trout


Price Per Kg: approx. £9.35

Carnilove Fresh Carp & Trout has been formulated with respect for the laws of nature and provides your canine buddy with balanced nutrition rich in fresh fish and seafood combined with a variety of vegetables, berries and herbs. Returning to a natural diet helps maintain optimal physical condition, protects the cardiovascular system, nourishes dry skin, and ensures a healthy, shiny coat.

Carp has a unique composition of proteins that are easily digestible due to shorter muscle fibres. The combination of carp and trout is a natural source of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are highly beneficial to the quality of the skin and coat. The presence of DHA and EPA boost the positive effect of this special protein combination.


fresh carp deboned (26%), dried trout (18%), fresh salmon deboned (14%), dried salmon (12%), pumpkin, chickpeas, peas, chicken fat (preserved with tocopherols, 5%), chicken liver (3%), salmon oil (2%), apples, carrots, flaxseed, hydrolyzed crustacean shells (a source of glucosamine, 0.026%), cartilage extract (a source of chondroitin, 0.016%), brewer’s yeast (a source of mannan-oligosaccharides, 0.015%), chicory root (a source of fructo-oligosaccharides, 0.01%), yucca schidigera (0.01%), algae (0.01%), psyllium (0.01%), thyme (0.01%), rosemary (0.01%), oregano (0.01%), cranberries (0.0008%), blueberries (0.0008%), sea buckthorn (0.0008%), ginger root (0.0008%), sage (0.0008%)

Suitable from 12 months to old age

Dog Breed Generations Explained

There is so much ‘designer’ dog breeding nowadays and you will often see these dogs listed as F1, F2, F3 etc. The F refers to the specific generation of the cross-bred dog/puppy belongs to. Read on to find out what generation your dog/puppy is classed as…

Have you ever wondered what the letter & number abbreviations (such as F1B) mean when you have seen, for example, on an advert for a dog or puppy?

I will explain each meaning to you so when your are looking for your next dog/puppy, or are thinking of breeding and are not sure what category your puppies fall under, you will know exactly what is part of the dogs/puppy’s genetic background.

There is so much ‘designer’ dog breeding nowadays and you will often see these dogs listed as F1, F2, F3 etc. The F refers to the specific generation of the cross-bred dog/puppy belongs to.

When two different breeds are crossed it is called outcrossing. The generations of their offspring are known as the filial generations, which have two varieties of one gene, each inherited from their mother (dam) and father (sire).

Crossbred dogs and designer dogs are often referred to as F1, F2, or F3, or even F1b or F2b generations. It is the terminology that we can make a distinction between the different generations of hybrid dog breeds.

This naming standard applies for designer dog breeds, hybrids and mixes, but it is also commonly, and scientifically, applied to cats, cattle, plants, and most living organisms (even cells).

Below is an explanation of each of the generations:

P generation

This refers to 100% purebred dogs.

F1 generation

Two purebred dogs (two different breeds) are mated and the puppies of this mating will be 50% purebred – 50% purebred. Half of each puppy is the mother’s breed, and the other half is the father’s breed. For example, a Puggle is bred by one parent being a purebred Pug and one parent being a purebred Beagle. So in conclusion, F1 technically means 50/50.

F1B generation

Dogs classed as F1B are the result from the mating of an F1 parent and a P parent, so are classed as F1 backcrossed dogs. This is used to strengthen traits found in the P parent’s breed. F1B is 75% purebred – 25% purebred. For example, a breeder who breeds F1B Jug’s and wants stronger traits of Jack Russell Terrier would breed one parent who is purebred Jack Russell and one parent who is a F1 Jack Russell x Pug mix.

F2 generation

F2 generation is the mating of two F1 hybrids. So one parent is 50/50 and the other parent is 50/50, both mixes of the same breeds. For example, an F2 labradoodle’s mother is an F1 labradoodle and the father is also an F1 labradoodle.

F2B generation

These are second-generation backcrossed dogs. Each F2b dog is the offset of an F1 parent and an F1 backcrossed (F1b) parent. For example, an F2B Cavapom has one parent who is 50/50 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel x Pomeranian mix and the other parent is 75/25 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel x Pomeranian mix.

F3 generation

F3 generation puppies result from the mating of two F2 hybrid parents. So for example, the puppies grandparents on both the mother and fathers side are F1, the dogs parents are both F2, making the puppies F3.

Multi Generation

This is when an F3 or higher-generation hybrid dog is mated with an F3 or higher-generation hybrid dog. For example, a multi generation Lasalier might have one parent who is an F3 Lhasalier and one parent who is an F5 Lhasalier.

In the below example, the parents are:

Pedigree + F1 = F1B puppies

This puppy is F1B Lhasa Apso x Shih Tzu:

Royal Dogs & Puppies

This is the puppy’s father who is is a pedigree Lhasa Apso.

Royal Dogs & Puppies

This is the Puppies Mother who is F1 Lhasa Apso x Shih Tzu.

Royal Dogs & Puppies

Ultimate List Of Tips On How To Help Your Dog Cope With Fireworks/Thunderstorms And Other Loud Noises/Frightful Situations

Most dogs have suffered from a frightful event through some point in their life and loving dogs owners, such as your self, do what you can to help your stressed out pooch. Here are tips on how to help your dog get through the things they fear the most.

Is your dogs scared of loud noises? Is Bonfire Night/New Years Eve one of the most stressful nights of the year for your dog? Does your dog suffer with separation anxiety/frightful of certain situations (such as travelling by car, trips to the vet etc)? Read on for ways you can help your dog to cope…

Most dogs have suffered from a frightful event through some point in their life and loving dogs owners, such as your self, do what you can to help your stressed out pooch.


Here are tips on how to help your dog get through the things they fear the most…

On night’s when there are usually fireworks, such as Bonfire night or New Year Eve you can:


  • Turn on the TV or radio to drown out the loud bangs going off outside
  • Classical, dance or reggae music have been prove to naturally calm dogs down
  • Close the curtains so your dog cannot see the fireworks outside
  • Give your dog plenty of exercise beforehand to tire them out so they will be more likely to rest during the time when fireworks are likely to be set off.
  • Give your dog an enclosed area (den) with their bed, blankets, water, food, treats, favourite toy(s) etc to help them feel secure, calm them down and muffle the noises.
  • Aversive responses (fear-related) motivate escape and avoidance, sometimes the ‘Fight or Flight’ response can cause them to become aggressive.
  • Make sure your dog can’t escape if there is a sudden noise (‘fight or flight’). Check their microchip and collar tag details are all up to date just in case your dog happens to run away,
  • Make sure you walk your dog during the day, for obvious reasons. Sometimes people set some fireworks off before it is even dark (pointless in my eyes). Try to walk your dog early afternoon just in case. You don’t want to be out doors walking your dog and someone prematurely setting off a firework nearby. In other words, keep your dog indoors when fireworks are likely to be set off.
  • Try not to fuss over your dog too much when they’re scared (hard, I know!) as this will make things worse in the long run. Reassuring them can reinforce their fear. It is best to act normal around your dog when they become fearful or stressed.
  • Never punish your dog while they are scared – they have enough to deal with at the moment and it will only make matter worse
  • Keep windows and doors closed to muffle the loudness of the bangs
  • If your dog needs to go out to toilet when the fireworks are going off, go out with the dog to help them feel more secure.
  • If you have a dog that is extremely fearful, it is in their best interests for you to stay home during storms or when fireworks are being set off when you can.
  • Try playing with your dog, either with their favourite toy or a new toy, to keep them  distracted (ignoring the fireworks yourself).
  • If you have, or know, another dog who isn’t scared of fireworks keep them together. It may help your dog if they see another dog who isn’t bothered about what is happening outside.
  • Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water on offer during these stressful times. When a dog gets worked up they burn more energy so can become dehydrated quicker.
  • You can alter the negative emotional response to a stimulus or trigger by using counter conditioning and desensitisation. The reduction in anxiety or distress is reason enough to create a positive emotional response. (Coming soon…Habituation/Socialisation Schedule to work on your dogs fears)
  • Make your dog a body/scarf wrap that helps to reduce anxiety. Can be made from a scarf, bandage or even a pair of leggings! (If your dog doesn’t like it take it off to avoid stressing them further) Here’s how to put it on:
  1. Hold material horizontally in front of chest
  2. Bring up the material and cross over at the back of the dogs neck
  3. Bring the material down under the dog and cross over
  4. Bring the material back up towards (but not on) the base of the tail
  5. Tie away from the dog’s spine
  6. Your finger should be able to move freely beneath the wrap. If it can’t the wrap is tied too tight.
  • Give your dog a relaxing massage


Products That Will Help To Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety


With its patent-pending design, Thundershirt’s gentle, constant pressure can have a dramatic calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or over-excited. Based on surveys completed by over two thousand customers, over 80% of dogs showed significant improvement in symptoms when using Thundershirt. Thundershirt is already helping tens of thousands of dogs around the world, and is recommended by thousands of veterinarians and dog trainers. Please see below for a size guide.

As for WHY Thundershirt’s gentle pressure works to calm a dog, experts such as Dr. Temple Grandin believe that pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years. For example:

  • Touch dog trainers use pressure to address a wide variety of anxieties.
  • Veterinarians use pressure to relax cattle when they are administering vaccinations.
  • People with autism use pressure to relieve their persistent anxiety.
  • Children with certain behavioral problems use pressure shirts and weighted vests to relax and focus.
  • Parents use swaddling to calm an inconsolable newborn infant.

Until now, there just hasn’t been a well-designed, inexpensive pressure wrap commonly used for dog anxiety. Thundershirt is changing that! Thousands of veterinarians and dog trainers now recommend Thundershirts for their anxiety cases.

Click here to buy

SettleMe Calming Support For Cats & Dogs

New & improved!

The new pack of 60 is a higher strength version of the pack of 30 – each chew has 4 times the amount of each ingredient, making it an ideal product for long-term use for dogs of all sizes.

Each SettleMe™ chew contains a blend of ingredients believed to be helpful in supporting calm behaviour and in reducing anxiety, stress-related behaviours and over-activity.

SettleMe™ chews are intended to provide support and help your pet cope better during stressful events such as:

  • Vet, cattery/kennel or groomer visits
  • Fireworks, thunderstorms and noise phobias
  • Parties and visitors
  • Travelling
  • Introducing a new pet or family member
  • Separation anxiety

The chews are seen as a treat and are easy to give, with or without food.

Ingredients (average per chew):

L-Tryptophan 75mg

L-Theanine 50mg

GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) 50mg

Passiflora incarnata extract 25mg

Insositol 5mg

Vitamin B1 5mg

Vitamin B3 7.5mg

Vitamin B6 7.5mg

Vitamin B12 7. 5μg

Ginger Root 7.5mg

Calcium Propionate, Caramel, Corn Flour, Hickory Smoke Flavour, Pork Liver Powder, Potassium Sorbate, Rapeseed Oil, Rice Bran, Sodium Ascorbate, Sorbitol, Water.

Click here to buy

Adaptil Spray & Refills for Dogs

ADAPTIL® can help your dog to adjust better to modern living, by creating a supportive environment to help ease behaviour problems, caused by every day stressful events. This can transform your lives by bringing you closer together. ADAPTIL® is a synthetic copy of the dog appeasing pheromone naturally released by a mother dog to comfort and reassure her new puppies. This pheromone has been shown to have the same comforting effect on puppies and adult dogs in stressful situations, when released through ADAPTIL® products.

Adaptil is non-sedative, non-systemic and as such can be used alongside other types of medications.

The ADAPTIL® products have been improved to ensure that dogs and owners around the world are provided with the best support.

Everyday events can mean everyday unhappiness

Simple things can upset your puppy or dog – new people, car rides, being left alone, fireworks or even a baby being brought into the home. The visible behaviours that you notice can be a result of your dog trying to cope:

  • Drooling and licking of lips
  • Excessive barking and whimpering
  • Soiling in the home
  • Panting & pacing
  • Trying to escape
  • Seeking out owner
  • Destroying household items

To help puppies grow into well-socialised dogs, it is essential to help them feel confident and secure whilst they are learning about the world around them.

Furthermore, in dogs of any age, stress-related issues which remain untreated, may cause health problems.

ADAPTIL® has been scientifically proven to have the same reassuring effect on puppies and adult dogs. It is particularly useful for new or challenging situations.

Over 28 published clinical papers support the use of ADAPTIL®.

It has been used by vets and pet owners worldwide for 14 years.

ADAPTIL® is safe, easy to use and convenient.


The diffuser releases the comforting pheromone in the local environment and should be plugged into the room where the dog spends most of it’s time, perfect for helping your dog feel confident and supported in their environment.

The diffuser will cover an area of 50-70 sq m (one floor of a three bed property) and last for 4 weeks.

Adaptil refills can be purchased to replenish the diffuser every 4 weeks. The diffuser plug should be changed every 6 months.

The Adaptil diffuser is ideal for:

  • Nervous dogs
  • Dogs that find situations hard to cope with
  • Changes to their environment (new arrival, redecorating, moving home)
  • Fireworks/loud noises
  • Staying home alone

Click here to buy

XDOG™ Weight & Fitness Vest for Dogs

The XDOG weight vest is a patent-pending weight vest for dogs that uses sand-filled weights evenly dispersed across the body and designed to help build muscle, improve speed, performance, stamina, reduce obesity, improve mental focus, reduce anxiety and improve cardiovascular health in your dog.

The XDOG Vest creates a snug fit around your dog targeting different pressure points on their body creating a “hugging feel” or “swaddling a baby” which helps comfort them and relieves them of anxiety and loud noises. The vest can be adjusted comfortably using the clips and velcro straps to help secuely “hug” your dog.

Screenshot (269)

The vest is designed to fit every breed from small to large.

Click here to buy

Adaptil Express Tablets

Adaptil Express (formerly Stress Relief Now) tablets are a non-pheromone, natural ingredient based tablet which can be used as little as two hours before the required effect. Ideal for predictable short-term events such as house parties, vet visits and fireworks. They can also be used in conjunction with the range of Adaptil pheromone products.

Adaptil Express tablets are a new addition to the Adaptil range, they contain natural ingredients designed to support your dog during short-term events. The palatable tablets can be given as little as 2 hours before the anticipated event and will last for 4 hours.

Adaptil Express tablets are a combination of GABA, L-tryptophan, L-theanine and B vitamins. They provide fast and temporary relief during short trips in the car or even for events such as house moves and parties.

There is no longer any need to stress or worry when last minute events occur as the tablets can be used as little as two hours before the required effect! And will last for 4 hours afterwards. For best results the Adaptil tablets should be used in conjunction with the wider range of Adaptil pheromone products.

When should I use Adaptil Tablets?

The tablets can be used in anticipation of any predictable short-term occasional challenging events that can be stressful for your dogs such as:

  • house parties
  • fireworks
  • thunderstorms
  • travel
  • visits to the vet or to the groomer


GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) – The main inhibitory neurotransmitter in humans and dogs. It plays a central role in relaxation and limits the nerve cell activity in areas of the brain associated with anxiety.

L-tryptophan – An amino-acid which increases serotonin synthesis. It has been shown to reduce aggressiveness in dogs and stress related behaviours.

L-theanine – An amino-acid which increases the release of GABA and also inhibits the binding of the excitatory transmitter L-glutamic acid to its receptors. It has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve learning abilities.

B Vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B8, B12) – Are essential nutrients, indispensable for normal functioning of the brain system. As a group they help the body cope with the effects of stress.

Click here to buy

Pets Purest 100% Natural Calming Aid 

  • CALMING FORMULA – our drops will have immediate effect in CALMING your pet reducing ANXIETY in times of stress and on a daily basis.
  • 100% NATURAL FORMULA PACKED WITH CALMING HERBS & MINERALS – Contains VALERIAN which is a powerful, non-addictive relaxant, sedative and pain reliever – proven to reduce nervous anxiety, agitation and hysteria. Also contains MAGNESIUM which most animals are deficient in – this deficiency can lead to excess adrenaline which can lead to stressed out pets.
  • FAST ACTING & EFFECTIVE – only takes around 20 minutes for the drops to work – much quicker than tablets and easier to administer to your pets, simply mix into their food.
  • SAFE LIFESTYLE CHANGE – not only is it excellent at times of stress it is safe to be used daily for overall calmer and more relaxed animals.
  • HAPPY PETS = HAPPY OWNERS – at Pets Purest we are passionate about our four-legged friends and that’s why we are committed to providing only the highest quality products that are kind on our pets. Made in Britain.

Click here to buy

Adaptil collar – puppy and adult

Easy to use and convenient, the Adaptil Collar releases dog appeasing pheromone constantly, even when the dog is outside. The dog’s body temperature and close contact warm the collar and encourages the diffusion of pheromones into the local environment. It is essential the Adaptil Collar is in close contact with the dog’s skin at all times.

Adaptil Collar is ideal for puppy socialisation, travelling, kennelling, training, loud noises and while staying at home alone. Adaptil collars are available in two adjustable sizes: puppy/small dogs (fits neck up to 37.5cm) and medium/large dogs (fits neck up to 62.5cm).

The Adaptil Collar is proven to work on all breeds of dog, as long as it is fitted correctly.

The appeasing pheromone is released almost immediately. The Collar will not work when it is wet, but diffuses again as soon as it’s dry.

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Zylkene is a complementary feed for dogs, cats and horses (for horse version click here) which contains a natural product, derived from casein, a protein in milk. It is a molecule well known to promote the relaxation of newborns after breastfeeding. Launched in April 2008, Zylkene has become a familiar product for veterinary surgeons, behaviourists, nurses and pet owners for use in helping pets cope when facing unusual and unpredictable situations or before occasions such as a change in their normal environment.

Zylkene is a product that can help support dogs, cats and horses in situations where they find the need to adapt their behaviour to cope. These include kennel and cattery stays, house moves, kennel/box rest, arrival of a new pet or baby, sudden noises e.g. fireworks, travel, vet or groomer visits and Christmas festivities.

There are many ways our pets can respond to new and unpredictable situations and not all animals respond in the same way. Zylkene is palatable and easy to give; simply mix with food or give as a treat. Give just once a day.

There are many reports in the literature of remarkably good responses to Zylkene. In dogs and cats it is particularly good for travel, re-homing, grooming, visiting the vets etc. For horses, Zylkene Equine can easily be given in feed for clipping, travelling, shoeing etc.

Zylkene can help in many situations where animals might be expected to feel anxious or stressed. However do remember that you have a part to play too. Our animals have a phenomenal ability to pick up on signals we give them. Zylkene works best when combined with thoughtful and considerate handling from calm and sensible people!

Suitable for situations such as:

  • Changes in environment
  • Being left alone
  • New person, baby or pet being introduced
  • Travelling
  • Kennel or cattery visits
  • Fireworks
  • Loud noises and thunderstorms
  • Vet visits
  • Celebrations
  • Moving house
  • Lactation
  • Weaning

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maxxidog – maxxicalm – Calming aid for dogs

  • Helps anxious, fearful and nervous dogs to relax and cope better in stressful situations
  • Is helping our customers with separation anxiety, loud noises, hyperactivity, reactivity, excessive barking, sleep problems, fear of strangers, changes in routine and environment, travel, Vet visits, moving house and helping rescue dogs settle quicker in their new home
  • Comes with a dog behaviour guide (eBook) with practical advice to help you work WITH your dog and get faster results
  • Contains only safe natural ingredients that support balanced behaviour and promote calmness and positive mood WITHOUT causing drowsiness
  • maxxicalm is formulated for results – with ingredients for a happy life, naturally … and it’s tasty too

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Pet Remedy Essential Calming Spray

The amazing Essential Calming Spray from Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers known as neuro-transmitters, which will tell the nerve receiving the message either to calm down or get “fired up”. In times of anxiety or stress in our pets the nerves tend to get over stimulated, which will lead to many symptoms of stress. The Essential Calming Spray has blends of essential oils which work alongside the natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious and stressed pets. The spray features a easy to use trigger, generous 200ml bottle, starts to help immediately, helps calm pet with sedating, water based, PH neutral formulation so safe on skin and coat of pet and is developed and made in England.

  • Ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds.
  • Can be used in conjunction with plug-in diffuser
  • Works for all pets in household.
  • Clinically proven
  • Use sparingly
  • Do not spray near pets mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Spray directly onto a bandana, bedding, carpet, soft furnishing, in car, stable or horsebox.
  • When walking a difficult dog simply spray on your trouser leg and bring to a heel when you anticipate a problem.
  • You can even spray on your tunic if handing an anxious pet.

Signs of stress include:

  • Changes in behaviour
  • Spraying/soiling indoors
  • Excessive, habitual over grooming resulting in hair loss
  • Lack of interaction with owner
  • Loss of appetite
  • Scratching at furniture
  • Unexplained aggression

Stress can be triggered by:

  • A new pet arriving in the home
  • Moving house
  • Changes in the home, such as building work or a new baby
  • Excessive noise or movement
  • Fireworks
  • Travel / Visit to Vets
  • Changes in daily routine

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Calm Balm natural solution for anxious dogs

  • Natural anti-anxiety product to calm anxiety, worries and stress for dogs, dog massage balm for comfort, joints, helps sleep
  • See our Skin Balm, Paw Balm and Nose Balm all made in the UK, cruelty-free.
  • Blend of premium essential oils, comforting, non-sedating, calming gentle aroma for humans and dogs
  • The original UK-made dog balms, we create and produce our balms with 100% natural ingredients in the UK.
  • 60mls. Drug-free, chemical-free, lick-safe, 100% Natural. Made in Great Britain

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Pet Remedy Essential Calming Plug-in Diffuser

The amazing Essential Plug In Diffuser from Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers known as neuro-transmitters, which will tell the nerve receiving the message either to calm down or get “fired up”. In times of anxiety or stress in our pets the nerves tend to get over stimulated, which will lead to many symptoms of stress. The Essential Calming Diffuser has blends of essential oils which work alongside the natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious and stressed pets. The Diffuser features include, starts to help immediately, helps calm pet with sedating, lasts up to 8 weeks, only 5 watts, so cheap to run, water based, PH neutral formulation so safe on skin and coat of pet and is developed and made in England.

  • Ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds.
  • Refill bottles available.
  • Coverage up to 60m2 (650 sq ft) (Large room)
  • Easy to use
  • Plug in and let the de-stressing properties slow release into the surrounding area.

Signs of stress include:

  • Changes in behaviour
  • Spraying/soiling indoors
  • Excessive, habitual over grooming resulting in hair loss
  • Lack of interaction with owner
  • Loss of appetite
  • Scratching at furniture
  • Unexplained aggression

Stress can be triggered by:

  • A new pet arriving in the home
  • Moving house
  • Changes in the home, such as building work or a new baby
  • Excessive noise or movement
  • Fireworks
  • Travel / Visit to Vets
  • Changes in daily routine

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VetIQ Serene-UM for Dogs & Cats

VetIQ Serene-UM from Mark & Chappell is a top-grade, non-sedating nutritional supplement offering a superb spectrum of nutrition which has been tailored to encourage a calming and relaxing effect. Serene-UM is particuarly useful in situations such as separation anxiety, noise phobia, fireworks and hyperactivity where pets may display aggressive or nervous behaviour. Suitable for cats and dogs, Serene-UM is available as drops and tablets for daily administration as required.

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Pooch and Mutt Dry Dog Food Calm and Relaxed Complete 2kg

Pooch & Mutt: Calm & Relaxed is a nutritionally balanced and complete food for adult dogs, which has been developed to help dogs keep calm and relaxed. It contains over 45% turkey (an l-tryptophan-rich protein source), sweet potato (a great source of ‘antistress’ b-vitamins), chamomile (a traditional relaxation aid), l-tryptophan (essential to form serotonin, the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter) and brewers yeast (a rich source of b-vitamins).


turkey (45%; including; 25% freshly prepared turkey, 17% dried turkey, 1.5% turkey oil, 1.5% turkey gravy), sweet potato (25%), potato, peas, beet pulp, brewers yeast (1.93%), linseed, alfalfa, pea protei, minerals, vitamins, mannanoligosaccharides (prebiotic mos), fructooligosaccharides (prebiotic fos), chamomile (0.19%), yucca schidigera extract, cranberry, glucosamine (480 mg/kg), chondroitin sulphate (290 mg/kg). nutritional additives per kg: vitamins: vitamin a (as retinyl acetate) 25,240 iu, vitamin d3 (as cholecalciferol) 2,165 iu, vitamin e (as alpha tocopherol acetate) 180 mg, biotin 145 mcg; trace elements: cupric sulphate pentahydrate 58 mg, zinc sulphate monohydrate 133.5 mg, manganous sulphate monohydrate 105 mg, ferrous sulphate monohydrate 160 mg, calcium iodate anhydrous 1.6 mg, sodium selenite 0.6 mg; technological additives: enterococcus faecium cernelle 68 (sf68; ncimb 10415) 1,000,000,000 cfu as an aid in the establishment, maintenance and restoration of a balanced gut flora in dogs; amino acids: l-tryptophan (940 mg). analytical consituents: protein 24%, crude oils and fats 12% , crude fibres 3.5%, crude matter 8%, omega 6 1.93%, omega 3 0.94%,

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Dorwest Herbs Scullcap and Valerian Tablets for Dogs and Cats 

A licensed herbal medicine for the symptomatic relief of anxiety, nervousness, excitability, travel sickness, and as an adjunct in the treatment of epilepsy in cats and dogs. Particularly effective for calming pets suffering from noise phobias such as fireworks, gunshots and thunderstorms as well as anxiety related travel sickness and hyperactivity. Scullcap and valerian tablets will not cause drowsiness, sedate or impair normal behaviour or performance. The tablets are sugar coated and can be fed directly into the mouth or added to the daily feed. They are safe for long and short term use and can be given in conjunction with orthodox treatments and herbal products. Can be given from 8 weeks of age but are not recommended for pregnant or lactating females. For severe cases the tablets can be used in conjunction with our organic valerian compound.

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Pet Remedy Heated Pet Pad

The Pet Remedy Heated Pet Pad is a safe and effective heated pad which was originally developed for Petsavers as a post-operative heating mat for vets. It is an easy way of keeping your pet warm and cosy at home.

The Pet Remedy Heated Pet Pad is tough and runs on low voltage so is cheap enough to run it can be left on constantly. The lead has a connector in the middle so it can easily be passed through a cage or basket.

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Kalm Aid Anxiety Remedy

Kalm Aid Anxiety Remedy is a nutritional supplement designed to ease dogs and cats which become anxious or fearful in certain situations. Scientific research has shown that animals can show a distinct improvement when the correct nutrients are provided in increased quantities, not normally available in their food. Available for cats and dogs as a liquid or tablets. There is also a gel formulation intended for cats which is easier to give – apply it to their paw and they will lick it off.

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Dorwest Organic Valerian Compound

A calming and soothing blend of the powerful plant extract Valerian, Dorwest Valerian Compound is designed to encourage calmness in nervous dogs and cats. The full strength extracts in Dorwest Valerian Compound provide a concentration that is economical and easy to administer. A fast acting and easily absorbed compound, Dorwest Valerian Compound is perfect for stressful situations such as fireworks, thunderstorms etc. Liquid form can be orally administered or added onto food. The compound acts quickly to calm and control hyperactive or anxious dogs and cats.

Cats find the smell of Organic Valerian Compound particularly attractive and if a few drops are placed on the bedding, a reduction in anxiety shows quickly and even unmanageable cats become calmer and easier to handle.

Use in combination with Dorwest Scullcap and Valerian for the perfect combination to tackle anxiety during the fireworks season.

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Thundershirt Polo

The ThunderShirt Polo offers a patented design that applies a gentle, constant pressure that has a dramatic calming effect for over 80% of dogs. Great for storms, separation, travel and many other anxieties. No need for training or medication.

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Pawbits Calming Supplement for Anxious and Hyperactive Dogs

  • Dog calming tablets that work specifically for dogs over 8 weeks of age who show signs of anxiety or hyperactivity and for loving owners who want their furry friends to continue getting the best out of life. Many dogs face anxiety on a daily basis or short-term situations challenging, Pawbits calming is perfect for keeping your dog calm throughout.
  • Stress relief dogs contains amino acids such as Taurine and L-tryptophan to help serotonin production and aid hyperactivity. Contains Inositol used to help balance certain chemicals and help with panic disorder, stop dog barking and other negative behaviour your pet displays when stressed.
  • For a hyperactive dog or distressed dog anxiety during: noisy fireworks, loud thunderstorms or other noise phobias, settling into a new home, new members of the family, being left home alone and separation anxiety. It can also help relieve stress during kennel stays, vet visits, training treats and travel calming tablets for dogs and puppies on long or short journeys.
  • Also contains Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D2, Vitamin E, Zinc and Selenium. All the natural dog treats and vitamins you need to keep your best friend calm and happy. This product is not a dog sedative nor intended as sedation for dogs it is a natural calm aid unlike plug in for dogs – it won’t fill your home with chemicals. Also, great if your dog won’t tolerate a calming collar or when a diffuser for dogs isn’t suitable if you have more than one pet and not all require reassuring support.

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Pet Remedy De-stress & Calming Atomiser

Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm ( via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’.

In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in our pets.

The special Pet Remedy blend of essentials oils works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed pets.

  • Unique water based, non-aerosol, battery operated atomiser
  • Suitable for all mammals showing signs of stress including cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, ferrets, and horses
  • Ideal for locations where socket for plug-in diffuser is not available
  • Easy to operate
  • Clinically proven
  • Starts to help immediately
  • Helps calm pet without sedating
  • Helps pet become more attentive and receptive
  • Batteries included (3 x AA cell)
  • Delivers a metered dose (0.12ml) every 15 or 30 minutes
  • Lasts up to 8 weeks
  • Suitable for small room (10m2 or 100 sq ft)
  • 250ml refills available
  • Developed and made in England

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Proflax Natural Wellbeing & Vitality

Formulated to specifically help immune, digestive, brain and heart functions and to help calm anxious or nervous dogs. Bursting with minerals, vitamins and nutrients, it offers multiple health benefits. Offered in a ready made, easy to feed liquid supplement which even the fussiest of dogs will love. Ideal for dogs that are highly strung or anxious, need digestive support, or simply to maintain their good health, this formula also contains herbs that help to balance, cleanse and heal. Consists of pure cold pressed omega 3 rich flax oil and active herbal extracts apportioned in their correct percentages and working synergistically by a qualified holistic vet.

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HomeoPet Anxiety Homeopathic Remedy

HomeoPet Anxiety Homeopathic Remedy contains a precise blend of natural organic ingredients. Available in different designs to treat the various forms of anxiety in a safe way, they are completely free from side effects.

Anxiety Relief is for the ease of general anxiety in pets like with vet/grooming visits, kenneling and shows. Separation from familiar surroundings, introduction of new pets and most stressful situations causing barking, whining, crying, hiding, shaking and feather plucking in birds.

Anxiety TFLN provides relief from fear of fireworks, wind, loud noises, gunshots. Restless, anxious and unwanted behavior can be helped with this fast acting, non-sedating liquid.

Travel Anxiety provides relief for motion sickness, fear of travel in cars, boats, trains, and airplanes. Vomiting, drooling, panting, restlessness and unwanted behavior can be helped with this fast acting, non-sedating liquid.

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YuCALM for Dogs

YuCALM Dog is a premium, all natural supplement which supports calm behaviour while helping reduce stress. Formulated with scientifically proven ingredients that support the natural calming pathways in your canine friends brain, making them become more happy and playful.


  • Helps reduce stress
  • Supports calm behaviour
  • Eases anxiety
  • A complete formula to support a calm and happy dog
  • Scientifically proven ingredients


  • B Vitamins
  • Fish protein hydrolysates
  • L-Theanine
  • Lemon balm

How does YuCALM Dog support your dog?

Many dogs feel anxious in day to day life or are fearful towards specific triggers. By supporting natural calming pathways in the brain, YuCALM Dog is an effective way to help reduce stress and support dogs to become more happy and playful. Made from all-natural ingredients, you can use it every day.

Take a closer look at exactly how…

Helps reduce stress

Lemon Balm works on GABA levels to make your dog feel more relaxed, soothing stress and encouraging calm behaviour.

Supports calm behaviour

L-Theanine offers natural calming properties that supports production of calming compounds such as serotonin. It also supports production of dopamine to maintain levels of hormones responsible for happiness. B vitamins support healthy nerves and brain function, reducing excitability and improving concentration.

Eases anxiety

Our special blend of natural fish protein hydrolysates supports your dog’s brain, helping calming signals find the right spot. It also supports GABA and dopamine levels for a feel good effect.

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Benefits Goodnight Dog Treats

Feelwells Benefits Goodnight Dog Treats are crunchy, biscuit treats that have been oven baked for more flavour and a natural texture. Tasty & Nutritous with the added benefit of chamomile, valerian and scullcap, herbs known for their calming and relaxing properties. Ideal as a treat befroe bed or at times of stress eg Firework Phobia. Healthy & Natural they are ideal treat to feed your dog every day.

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The Healthy Dog Co Tranquillity | All Natural Calming Drops for Dogs & Cats

  • ALL NATURAL: Our all natural herbal preparation will make your pet feel calm without all the hidden chemicals found in most other cat and dog calming products, making it healthier than calming plug in, spray, collar & tablets.
  • CALM, SOOTH & DESTRESS: Help relax nervous pets and reduce separation anxiety. Sooth hyperactivity, calm excessive barking and reduce bad behaviour. Destress for travel, car sickness, fireworks, thunderstorms and more.
  • SIMPLE TO USE: Apply 1-2 full pipettes per serving directly into your pets mouth or mix into their food morning and night. This can be repeated hourly if required.
  • 50-100 SERVINGS: This 100ml bottle is enough for 50-100 servings depending on the size of your pet, which should last you a very long time.
  • FOR PETS OF ALL SIZES: A vet and groomer recommended product, perfect for dogs and cats of any size.

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Pet Calming Tablets for Dogs and Cats – All Natural Ingredients – Advanced Vet Formula

  • THESE MARKET LEADING CALMING TABLETS SUPPORT ANXIETY IN DOGS AND CATS – assisting with situations such as Fireworks – Loud Noises – Storms – Separation anxiety – hyperactivity – training issues and general Calming Aid
  • THIS PRODUCT MAY ALSO HELP WITH AGGRESSIVE DOGS AND CATS – having L-Tryptophan as on of the main ingredients which has both a mood stabilising and calming effect.
  • UP UNTIL NOW THIS PRODUCT HAS ONLY BEEN SOLD IN VETS! FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS SPECIALIST DOG AND CAT CALMING SUPPLEMENT IS AVAILABLE TO YOU ! Using only human grade ingredients and manufactured to pharmaceutical level with GMP certification (Good Manufacturing Practice)
  • USING ONLY NATURAL INGREDIENTS – NO ARTIFICIAL ADDITIVES, PRESERVATIVES COLOURANTS OR FLAVOURS -This product can assist in improving your pets quality of life by helping to sooth any worries and stress away, helping them feel calmer and improving the welfare of your pet.
  • – Make sure your pet is safe and supported in 2017, take a look at our other Broadreach Nature + range of health care supplements to help and support your Pets

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Sentry Calming Collar for Dogs, 3 Pack

SENTRY Calming Collars use patented GOOD Behavior pheromone technology. Using a pheromone that mimics the one mother dogs produce to calm their puppies, the collars are clinically proven to reduce or eliminate stress-related behavior such as inappropriate marking, excessive barking and chewing.

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Pet Remedy Natural De-Stressing Calming Wipes

Each sachet contains one biodegradable wipe.
The wipe is impregnated with a unique blend of essential oils , clinically proven valerian, vetiver and other calming essential oils, which help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed pets and works alongside your pet’s own natural calming mechanisms.
  • Starts to help straightaway
  • Helps calm without sedating
  • Water based and pH neutral
Wipe around the muzzle, under the chin,and top of the chest of pet.
Place wipe on bedding in home and car or even tie wipe to the carry basket or collar.

Calmex Capsules Dog Calming Stress Anxiety Relief Supplement

A calming supplement to help manage stress and anxiety, Calmex is fast acting and consists of a specially blended feed to help promote relaxed behaviour in dogs and cats experiencing behavioural problems as a result of their environment.

50% of owners report that their dog is afraid of fireworks but only 30% of owners ask their vet for help*. If your dog demonstrates any of the following signs, it may indicate fear or anxiety:

*Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume 145, Issues 1–2, April 2013, Pages 15–25

Trembling and shaking
Barking excessively
Trying to escape
Toileting in the house
Excessive panting
Scratching or chewing furniture
Fear in everyday situations

Calmex comes in a capsule which can be opened and mixed with food, or given whole to your dog.

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Forthglade Calming Treats Grain Free Chicken, Chamomile & Lemon Balm

Specially formulated to naturally calm and soothe anxious or stressed dogs thanks to a special blend of ingredients.  Ideal for dogs with a nervous disposition or those that suffer with stress or anxiety.
Composition: Chickpea Flour 27.5%, Sweet Potato 29%, Chicken Meal 25%, Chicken Fat 7.5%, Dried Pumpkin 3%, Seaweed 2%, Pumpkin Seed 2%, Linseed 1.5%, Parsley 0.5%, Nettle 0.5%, Rosemary 0.5%, Minerals, Camomile 0.5%, Chicory 0.5%, Prebiotic MOS 0.5%, Lemon Balm 0.1%, Skullcap 0.1%, Yucca Extract 0.1%.

Essential oils To Help Calm Your Dog

Essential oils have been proven to help treat and heal health issues, and therenumerous oils that can help your dog when they are stressed:

Complete List Of Essential Oils That Are Safe To Use On Dogs And The Health Benefits

How To Safely Use Essential Oils For Dogs

Why not try one of these ultrasonic diffusers with your chosen essential oils

If all else fails, speak to your vet as your dog may need prescription medication, such as sedatives.

Excessive Barking – Understanding Why Your Dog Is Barking And Solutions To Get It Under Control

Understanding Why Your Dog Is Barking And Solutions To Get It Under Control

Is Your Dog’s Barking Driving Everyone Crazy?

Most people hate barking, more so, excessive barking. Though barking can be a nuisance, it is completely natural for a dog to bark. It is one of the dog’s most important forms of communication.

People have used various ways to try to stop their dogs from excessively barking, such as, collars that spray or shock the dog when it barks, to actually removing the dog’s vocal cords (which doesn’t stop them from barking, it just changes the tone of their bark, which can actually be more annoying than before).

If your dog barks, there is a reason for it. If there is a reason, then there is a solution.

However, before looking at the solutions, we need to understand dog’s natural instincts as animals and the reasons behind the barking.


Dogs think it is their job is to bark – as a warning, to protect their home, alert people about danger, scare prey out of hiding, and to protect their owners/other pets. Some dogs bark due to anxiety, attention seeking, because they are excited, are responding to other dogs or because they are bored.

Despite what most people think (admittedly, me included back before I did my research), dogs don’t bark to annoy us – they are either in protection mode, are being playful, have nothing else to do or they are scared.

In fact, the best crime deterrent is a barking dog. However, if a dog’s barking is becoming a public nuisance, you need to change the situation.

DID YOU KNOW: In most cases, excessive barking whilst you are out is your dog’s way of making an effort to call you back to the pack.

If You Can Understand A Dog’s Mindset, You Will Have No Problems Training Your Dog To Stop Barking

Many dog owners ask: why does my dog bark so much? Probably because they were bred to. We bred barking into our dogs because it was useful to us.

For example:

Beagle’s are bred for their hunting abilities, and the breed will often bark and howl to scare prey out of hiding for hunters. The same goes for Parson Russell Terriers, and many other dogs of similar breeds. The Lhasa Apso has been bred back as far as the year 500 in Tibet. For many years, the Lhasa Apso was bred only by men of wealth and holy men, originally being kept in monasteries primarily as indoor guard dogs to give a warning bark to the monks (if ever intruders or uninvited guests managed to get past the Tibetan mastiffs used as outdoor guard dogs).

Another fact, many wild canids (a group of related, dog-like animals including wolves, foxes, coyotes, jackals, dingoes, and domestic dogs) do not bark at all.

Because barking is a common trait in many breeds of dogs, you will not be able to erase these dogs natural instinct to bark completely, but you can learn to take control and reduce it significantly.

There are also many breeds of dogs that naturally don’t bark excessively (and will keep your neighbours happy).

Firstly, you need to think about where and when you want your dog to bark (i.e. to protect the household), and work towards stopping excessive and nuisance barking. When the barking has become a nuisance, the dog owner needs to take a responsible attitude to the barking of their own dog(s).

Well done you for looking for a solution and are willing to work with your dog! You are a responsible dog owner and that is something to be proud of!

Dogs are well known for their ability and desire to please. Remember this when you begin to train your dog to stop barking. It may seem difficult at first but once you get into a routine and your dog begins to understand what you expect of them, but things will get easier and the barking will be well under control with a little time and effort.

Please don’t expect things to happen over night, resulting in you becoming disheartened and giving up. You have already made the first step by looking in to how you can get your dog’s excessive barking under control.


Time and Effort = SUCCESS

Sometimes a dog will be a slow learner, and this can be frustrating. It might make things easier if you ask yourself: what is going on in your dog’s mind?

Understanding From Your Dog’s Perspective

If you are having trouble with your dog, the first thing to ask yourself is: where are things going wrong and how do you rectify it?

Everyone’s living situation is different, so only you can honestly answer this question. That is your second step to accomplishment. Sit and think to yourself. Is your dog’s barking worse when:

  • The dog is left at home alone for long periods? Do you work long hours?
  • A stranger approaches your home, or whilst you are out with your dog on a walk?
  • The dog is excited when you return home?
  • Someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell?
  • At other dogs?
  • Your dog is in their crate?
  • At night time?
  • The dog is bored?
  • The dog is wanting attention?
  • The dog is wanting their food/water?
  • Your dog hears another dog bark or howl (response barking)?
  • Every time your dog hears a noise?
  • All of the above?

Since you know your dog more than anyone else, you are the best person to recognise why your dog is acting this way.

Your dog is trying to tell you something when they bark – only you can take note and figure out what they are barking for.

Tips On Controlling Your Dogs Barking

  • You need to correct your dog’s problem behaviour and follow it through.
  • Tell your dog to stop barking using a sound, look or physical correction (but NEVER hit the dog).
  • Stay calm and assertive when trying to stop your dog barking. You have to be cool, calm and collected because dogs do not follow unbalanced leaders.
  • Don’t shout or show your frustration – your dog will see this is you joining in and will think you are approving of their behaviour. A quiet but assertive ‘no’, which will do more to stop your dog’s barking than your loudest scream.
  • Don’t pick your dog up when they are barking, they will see this as a positive reinforcement by immediately receiving affection every time they bark.
  • As soon as your dog starts barking, throw some hard treats or dry dog food at a hard surface (hard floor, door, cupboard etc). Your dog will run around and eat them all up, and will more than likely look at you for more. Now you have silence and the dog’s attention.
  • If your neighbours have complained that your dog starts to bark pretty much as soon as you leave your house, then it’s a good idea to trick the dog by making the dog think you have left. First, make sure your dog sees you leave. Then, return silently to ‘catch your dog out’ and make the necessary corrections. This may have to be repeated several times.
  • If your dog is barking at the same person, object, place or situation you need to show your dog that you are the leader and that particular thing is yours. To do this, you need to create an invisible wall that your dog is not allowed to cross. Focus and be assertive, and if your dog is still trying to dominate the situation give the dog a look, distract them with a sound and stand in their way to block the view of the object/person etc.
  • Throw something on the ground near your dog (not at it) or shake a penny tin, which will make a loud startling clatter every time your dog barks.
  • Your dog needs to be challenged, both mentally and physically, as a lot of their barking comes from too much pent up energy. Take your dog for a good walk daily and provide them with a lot of mental stimulation – switch their toys up frequently so they don’t get bored, play games of chase or fetch, do activities with your dog that challenge their brain, provide your dog with bones/chews to satisfy their chewing urge etc. In general, just your presence and interacting with your dog every day will get rid of a lot of your dog’s frustration. It does not mean you have to spend all day doing these things – just make this time quality time. Get into a routine to fit in time to have one-to-one attention with your dog around your lifestyle.
  • Turn on the TV or radio (low volume) to distract your dog from noises that may induce barking (and to keep the dog company if they suffer from separation anxiety).
  • Consider bringing in a professional trainer/behaviourist is all your efforts fail or you are finding it difficult to be calm and assertive due to frustration. They will not only help your dog but they will help you to gain control.
  • Excessive barking is often due to pent up energy. To stop your dog’s barking, you need to give them a job to do. If your dog is already getting plenty of exercise through their daily walk, then you can up your game. You can get your dog a weighted vest. A weighted vest not only helps improve your dog’s overall health and condition allowing them to stay strong, active, happy and playful for years to come but also help combat obesity, diabetes, anxiety and over energised dogs. Simply wearing the vest each day helps them fight these issues.

Click here and receive 10% off your order!

(Worldwide shipping)

  • There are several anti-bark collars you could try:

(Click on links for further information on how each one works depending on manufacturer)

Citronella Collar  – Releases a spray of citronella when the dog barks.

Ultrasonic Collar – Sounds of an ultrasonic sound that only dogs can hear. May be bark or remote activated.

Shock Collar  – Humanisation design is harmless to your dog. The product will shock increasingly as soon as the dog barking.  May be bark activated or remote activated.

You Can Learn Your Dog To Stop Barking On Cue

To be able to learn your dog to stop barking on cue, you need to learn your dog to bark on command (‘speak’) first so the dog can truly grasp the meaning of ‘quiet’. As well as being beneficial for use with problem dogs, learning your dog to ‘speak’ is also beneficial if you want to go on to train more complex tricks. What’s more, it is so easy to achieve:

  1. You will need your dogs favourite treats, a clicker, your dogs favourite toy and something that you know always gets your dog to bark (for example, if your dogs always barks at the door bell or knock at the door, get someone on hand to ring the bell or knock).
  2. Choose a simple word, such as ‘speak’, ‘bark’, or ‘talk’, that you will use for the bark command.
  3. Create a situation that you know will cause your dog to bark (again, such as ring the doorbell or knock on the door).
  4. You may be able to get your dog excited enough to cause them to bark, for example, with their favourite toy.
  5. When your dog barks, say your chosen bark command word, click the clicker and immediately give the dog a treat.
  6. Repeat this process several times until your dog understands the bark command word without the need for a barking stimulus.

Now your dog is ready to learn the incredibly useful command – teaching the dog to be silent when you give the ‘Quiet’ command:

  1. Again, you will need your dog’s favourite treats, a clicker, your dog’s favourite toy and something that you know always gets your dog to bark.
  2. Choose a simple word, such as ‘quiet’, ‘silent’ or ‘hush’, that you will use for the quiet command.
  3. Create a situation that you know will cause your dog to bark. You could always leave it to chance that someone will knock at the door, but so you are fully prepared and ready, it is best to plan to create a situation until your dog gets a hang of the quiet command.
  4. Focus your attention on your dog. If the dog stops and looks at you (even for a second) click and treat. Repeat this every time the dog ceases to bark.
  5. After repeating this several times, begin to add your chosen command word when the barking stops, then click and treat immediately.
  6. Repeat until your dog has mastered the quite command.
  7. When your dog has begun to get the hang of the quiet command, start to try for longer duration’s of silence before clicking and treat.
  8. You can start to add hand signals whenever you give the command, which will help, as the dog will associate it with the quiet command.

Try not to rush things. Teach your dog each command at different times; otherwise, this will confuse the dog. It is probably best to work on the bark command for a few days, until the command has been well mastered and continued practice, before learning the quiet command.

Over time, once your dog learns ‘bark’ and ‘quiet’ separately, you can use them together. Have your dog speak a few times, and then tell the dog to be quiet.

How To Monitor Your Dogs Barking Whilst You Are Out

Unless you are good friends with your neighbours who can call you while you are out to inform you that your dog is disrupting the peace, how do you know what your dog is up to?

I personally use this: (Click here)

I love the fact that I can view, listen and speak to my dogs while I am out for more than a couple of hours. You can also set a siren, which instantly distracts and quietens dogs from barking. Is your dog doing something cute? You can take photos too!

More Information On Guardzilla All-In-One Home Security System:

Guardzilla is an all in one home security system. Simply plug in and sync to your Wi-Fi, Guardzilla’s app is highly customizable allowing the owner to use the device in a number of ways. Guardzilla’s camera will show a live feed of what it sees, but once armed will send you notifications if its motion detection senses a disturbance. Other features include a 100dB siren, infrared night vision, pet immunity, auto arming and disarming, and two way audio just to name a few. (For indoor use only).


Other Reasons You Dog May Be Barking

Improper confinement such as restrictive tethering, being locked in a pen alone for long periods, or lack of shelter can all lead to a dog that barks excessively. Your dog may even be hot, cold, hungry or thirsty.

Always keep in mind that your dog might bark because he is ill, which commonly causes dogs to express themselves through excessive barking. Visit your vet if you do not see a clear cause for your dog’s increased barking, or if you struggle to solve the problem on your own.


Unfold the Secrets of Your Dog’s DNA

Are You Curious About Your Dog’s DNA Background?

Do You Want To Find Out If Your Dog Is A True Pedigree Or Mixed Breed?

Need a Disease Detection Test?

Good News…You Can Quickly And Easily Find Out Exactly Which Breed(S) Make Up Your Dog’s DNA!


A Breed Detection DNA test shows you what breed(s) are a part of your dog’s DNA. It also includes Health Screening for disease detection.

Here is my dog Poppy, who I had DNA tested (the featured image above is also Poppy when she was a puppy):


I own both pedigree and mixed breed dogs. I see no difference, I love them all the same. From getting Poppy, my mixed breed dog (she was advertised as a hybrid ‘designer’ dog), I was curious to know if she was actually 50% Lhasa Apso 50% Shih Tzu, as the breeder had stated. Its hard to know exactly which breeds actually make up your dog’s DNA profile, and in many instances, most people have just had to take their breeders word for it.

I started to research how I could find out my answer and after lots of reading I came across the solution.

I purchased my kit, followed the instructions and sent off Poppy’s sample. It was so quick and easy. I was kept up to date on everything from when the sample had been received up until the final report.

Soon enough the results we in, I couldn’t wait to find out!

The results were:

Poppy is First Generation (F1) 50% Lhasa Apso 50% Shih Tzu!

Below I have included a copy of Poppy’s certificate:

poppy dna certificate

In the report was Poppy’s key breeds detected & shown by percentage, her Family Tree, information on the key breed profiles in her DNA, key breed history, appearance, and behaviour, information on how key physical traits are inherited, her ideal weight, signed confirmation letter and certificate showing Statement of Authentication. Also included was the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Structure Analysis of Poppy’s DNA, which I found really interesting:

Poppys results - PCA

Poppys result, structure analysis

A good thing too, is no matter how long it has been since the DNA test, you can request an up to date copy of your dog’s certificate of authentication.


Why Get A DNA Breed Detection Test?

Genetic testing can help you to identify breeds and/or specific health issues that may be important to the health and happiness of your dog. You can work with your veterinarian and use your results to come up with a training, nutrition or even long-term healthcare plan. In addition to breed identification, your report will provide you with:

  • Percentage breakdown of breeds and breed groups found in your dog
  • A detailed family tree going back three generations
  • Extensive information about each breed and breed group found
  • A predicted weight profile
  • Potentially life-saving drug sensitivity screening for MDR1
  • The ability to share your results with your veterinarian
  • A unique discount code to share with friends or family!

What’s more there is currently £10 off with promo code: Halloween2018

A mixed-breed dog’s heritage can vary in complexity from a simple first-generation cross of two breeds—say a Labrador and a Cocker Spaniel—to multiple breeds such as a Labrador, Cocker Spaniel, Rat Terrier and German Shepherd mix. Mixed-breed dogs can vary greatly in size, shape and colour and can be hard to identify visually. It can be difficult to identify all the breeds present in their genetic make-up just by looking at them. In fact, visual identification, even by professionals, is only accurate about 25% of the time!

In a dog physical appearance is largely controlled by a small number of genes – only about 2% – so it’s important to understand dominant vs recessive genes. Recessive are those you need two copies of to inherit the trait and dominant you only need one. Traits such as a short black coat, block head shape, or drop ears might make you think of some of the more popular breeds with these same features. But dominant traits such as these, just by the very nature of being dominant, can be attributed to literally hundreds of breeds beyond the one you’re thinking of. Likewise a trait that is recessive such as a long coat, prick ears, or tan points that is associated with a specific breed, may not make it past the dominant ones and therefore can’t be seen.

Looking around your own family you can probably see plenty of variation even among those most closely related to you such as your parents and/or siblings. It’s no different with dogs. Genetic Recombination is when chromosomes swap various pieces of DNA between them, resulting in the inheritance of a unique combination of DNA. This process happens in the passing down of genes from the parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents.

On average, through the DNA of their parents, puppies are receiving about 25% of their total genetic makeup from each of their grandparents and approximately 12.5% from the great grandparents. Because of the random nature in which genes are passed down, siblings can sometimes have differences in the breeds identified (or placement of the breeds) in their family trees. The puppies here are a great example as they are all from the same mother.

Mixed dogs can be simple or complex. The more pure or mixed breeds in a dog’s ancestry, the more difficult it is to identify a dog’s pedigree. The further back a given pedigree is in a dog’s history, the more mixed and diluted the characteristics in the genetic signature will be. Genetic signatures from purebred parents of a mixed-breed dog are easier to detect than grandparents, and both are much easier to detect than great-grandparents. A range of possible body shapes and sizes can be seen in the appearance of mixed-breed dogs. For example:

The Mystery of Breeds _ Wisdom Panel UK - Google Chrome 28_10_2018 16_02_08 (2)

Three dogs can all have at least 50% Golden Retriever in their ancestry; however, they can all look very different, and none of them look like a purebred Golden. Depending on what dominant traits and/or recessive traits a dog receives from its parents, the way it expresses the different breeds in its ancestry can vary greatly.

They also test to see if there is any Wolf DNA in your dog’s genetic profile!


How Does It Work?

Doing a Breed Detection DNA test on your dog is so quick and easy to do, and best of all it is affordable. All that it involves is:

  1. Purchase your kit
  2. Swab your dog’s cheek to collect DNA.
  3. Activate your kit online.
  4. Mail in the test. Shipping is free!
  5. Receive results in approximately 2-3 weeks. Done!

How To Get Your DNA Kit

All you have to do is click here to purchase your DNA kit

(The Cheapest Online)

Don’t forget to enter your £10 off Promo Code at the check out!

Step-By-Step Of The Process

  1. Activate your kit and send off the sample
  2. You will receive an email to confirm the sample has been received
  3. You will receive another email once the sample is being processed
  4. You will be notified once the data is being analyzed
  5. You will find out your results and be sent the report (including DNA results certificate)

Sample Being Processed


Extracting DNA

The DNA from your dog’s cheek cells is removed and cleaned. This gives the lab pure DNA, which they can make more of and then analyse.

Genotyping Preparation

Your dog’s DNA is prepared for placement onto a special laboratory chip. First, it goes through fragmentation (breaking up into smaller parts). Then comes precipitation and suspension (preparing the DNA in the right concentration). Finally, hybridisation, where it’s placed on the chip for analysis.


Your dog’s DNA is genotyped onto a special laboratory chip. This involves extension and staining (where the sample undergoes base extension using an enzymatic process and fluorescent staining for visibility). Then comes imaging, where the DNA on the chip is “imaged” using a sophisticated scanning system. Finally, it goes through our advanced software performs the analysis and the final genotyping, producing electronic DNA, or eDNA.

Data Being Analysed

Processing Data

Your dog’s e-DNA is run through the lab’s sophisticated breed detection algorithm. Then your dog’s unique genetic profile is compared with more than 17 million different family trees created from the breed signatures in the labs extensive database to find the best match. This is also the stage where, depending on the test type, your dog’s DNA is sent through the advanced disease-detection process, and a “clear”, “carrier”, or “at-risk” status is determined.

What Is Included In The Results Report?

In approximately two to three weeks from the time your sample reaches the lab, you will be provided with a customised  report with the genetic analysis of your dog’s ancestry, predicted weight, and health conditions:

Ancestry Features

Ancestry Percentages

You will be provides with an easy-to-understand breed percentage pie chart outlining the breeds or breed groups found in your dog’s ancestry.

Ancestry Tree

Wisdom Panel’s algorithm will analyse your dog’s DNA profile and compare it with signatures from their database of over 15,000 purebred samples. Each of the millions of possible family tree combinations will be given a score based on how well they match your dog’s profile. Your report will feature the tree with the best overall score.

Report Ready

Report Generation

Your dog’s unique report is prepared using the results from the labs algorithm and disease detection process, before providing you with your dog’s final results.

Health Screening


Wisdom Panel tests also screen for changes in the DNA associated with disease, commonly known as disease mutations. These can range from one or two potentially life-saving screens, to more than 150 in the Wisdom Panel Health test. For these mutation checks, the lab analyses determine whether your dog is a “carrier”, “at risk” or “clear” of a disease – offering an easy-to-understand explanation for each and what the results mean for your dog.

Multi-drug Resistance 1 (MDR1) is a genetic mutation found in many of the herding breeds, some sighthound breeds, and many mixed breed dogs. The MDR1 gene is responsible for production of a protein called P-glycoprotein. The P-glycoprotein molecule is a drug transport pump that plays an important role in limiting drug absorption and distribution (particularly to the brain) and enhancing the excretion/elimination of many drugs used in dogs.

Some dogs, particularly herding breeds or mixed-breed dogs with herding breed ancestry, have a mutation in the MDR1 gene that makes them defective in their ability to limit the absorption and distribution of many drugs. These dogs are also slower to eliminate drugs from the body that are transported by P-glycoprotein. As a result, dogs with the MDR1-mutation may have severe adverse reactions to some common drugs, so it is important to test your dog and share your results with your veterinarian so they can provide your dog with for the best possible care.

Breeds Affected by the MDR1 Mutation (frequency %):

  • Australian Shepherd 50%
  • Australian Shepherd, Mini 50%
  • Border Collie < 5%
  • Collie 70%
  • English Shepherd 15%
  • German Shepherd 10%
  • Herding Breed Cross 10%
  • Long-haired Whippet 65%
  • McNab 30%
  • Mixed Breed 5%
  • Old English Sheepdog 5%
  • Shetland Sheepdog 15%
  • Silken Windhound 30%

Breeds Detected

Wisdom Panel has the largest breed database on the market with more than 220 breeds, types and varieties represented in 15,000 samples. Check out the full list of breeds at the end of the post so you can check it out for your breed of dog

They also test to see if there is any Wolf DNA in your dog’s genetic profile!

Foreign Breeds?

The WISDOM PANEL tests were developed using pure breeds primarily found on The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club registry lists. If your dog was imported from a country other than the US, Canada, Western or Northern Europe, or you suspect that your dog’s ancestors are from outside these countries/areas, his breed ancestry may not be as well represented in the database.

During my research I read tons of stories from people who had had their dog’s genetic makeup tested believing their dog was a certain breed – only to find out the breed was not even in their dogs DNA profile!

What will your dog’s genetic profile DNA test show?

Unfold the Secrets of Your Dog’s DNA

Click here to begin finding out more about your dog’s genetic DNA profile

(The Cheapest Online)

List of Breeds Detected:

  • Bouvier Des Flandres
  • Border Terrier
  • Border Collie
  • Bolognese
  • Bluetick Coonhound
  • Bloodhound
  • Black Russian Terrier
  • Bichon Frise
  • Biewer Terrier
  • Berger Picard
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Belgian Tervuren
  • Beauceron
  • Bergamasco
  • Belgian Malinois
  • Bearded Collie
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Basset Hound
  • Beagle
  • Basenji
  • Belgian Sheepdog
  • Australian Terrier
  • Barbet
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Azawakh
  • Argentine Dogo
  • Australian Cattle Dog
  • Australian Kelpie
  • American Water Spaniel
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • American Foxhound
  • Alaskan Klee Kai
  • American Eskimo Dog
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Anatolian Shepherd Dog
  • Afghan Hound
  • Affenpinscher
  • Airedale Terrier
  • Akita
  • Australian Koolie
  • Black And Tan Coonhound
  • Bullmastiff
  • Bulldog
  • Briard
  • Bull Terrier
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Boykin Spaniel
  • Brittany
  • Boxer
  • Borzoi
  • Boston Terrier
  • Dutch Shepherd Dog
  • Dogue De Bordeaux
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  • Dalmatian
  • Dachshund
  • Curly-Coated Retriever
  • Collie
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Coton De Tulear
  • Cirneco Dell’etna
  • Chinook
  • Chow Chow
  • Chinese Shar-Pei
  • Chihuahua
  • Cesky Terrier
  • Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  • Chinese Crested
  • Clumber Spaniel
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Cane Corso
  • Canaan Dog
  • Canadian Eskimo Dog
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
  • French Bulldog
  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Hovawart
  • Havanese
  • Harrier
  • Great Pyrenees
  • Greyhound
  • Gordon Setter
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • Golden Retriever
  • German Spitz
  • Glen Of Imaal Terrier
  • German Shepherd Dog
  • German Shorthaired Pointer
  • German Pinscher
  • German Wirehaired Pointer
  • Great Dane
  • Flat-Coated Retriever
  • Finnish Lapphund
  • Finnish Spitz
  • Field Spaniel
  • Entlebucher Mountain Dog
  • English Toy Spaniel
  • English Springer Spaniel
  • English Setter
  • English Cocker Spaniel
  • English Foxhound
  • Large Münsterlander
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Leonberger
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Lakeland Terrier
  • Lancashire Heeler
  • Kritikos Lagonikos
  • Löwchen
  • Lagotto Romagnolo
  • Jindo
  • Kooikerhondje
  • Komondor
  • Kerry Blue Terrier
  • Keeshond
  • Japanese Chin
  • Japanese Spitz
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Irish Setter
  • Irish Red And White Setter
  • Irish Wolfhound
  • Ibizan Hound
  • Icelandic Sheepdog
  • Irish Terrier
  • Kuvasz
  • Perro De Presa Canario
  • Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Pyrenean Shepherd
  • Pumi
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Pug
  • Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
  • Portuguese Podengo Medio
  • Polish Greyhound
  • Pomeranian
  • Polish Lowland Sheepdog
  • Podenco Canario
  • Pointer
  • Pharaoh Hound
  • Puli
  • Parson Russell Terrier
  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi
  • Papillon
  • Otterhound
  • Pekingese
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Norwich Terrier
  • Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
  • Norwegian Buhund
  • Norwegian Lundehund
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Newfoundland
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Mudi
  • Mi-Ki
  • Miniature Pinscher
  • Norwegian Elkhound
  • Mastiff
  • Manchester Terrier
  • Magyar Agar
  • Miniature American Shepherd
  • Maltese
  • Maremma Sheepdog
  • Miniature Bull Terrier
  • Treeing Walker Coonhound
  • Tibetan Terrier
  • Tibetan Mastiff
  • Taigan
  • Tibetan Spaniel
  • Sussex Spaniel
  • Spanish Water Dog
  • Swedish Vallhund
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Spanish Greyhound
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Skye Terrier
  • Sloughi
  • Siberian Husky
  • Shih Tzu
  • Shetland Sheepdog
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Scottish Deerhound
  • Sealyham Terrier
  • Samoyed
  • Saint Bernard
  • Schipperke
  • Saluki
  • Standard Schnauzer
  • Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka
  • Silky Terrier
  • Rottweiler
  • Russell Terrier
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Standard Poodle
  • Small Münsterlander
  • Shiba Inu
  • Spinone Italiano
  • Toy Fox Terrier
  • Smooth Fox Terrier
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • White Swiss Shepherd
  • Whippet
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Welsh Terrier
  • Welsh Springer Spaniel
  • Weimaraner
  • Wirehaired Vizsla
  • Vizsla
  • Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
  • Wire Fox Terrier

Impossible Dogs Can Be Trained!

Do you have an impossible dog that you can’t get to do even the most basic commands? Don’t give up – even the most impossible dog can be trained!

Do you have an impossible dog that you can’t get to do even the most basic commands?

Is your dog too difficult, too obsessive, too challenging, too stubborn or too hyper to train?

I know how frustrating it can be to feel beyond hope of ever getting your dog to listen to you, when the dog has a mind of its own and you have no way to get their attention.

But don’t give up – even the most impossible dog can be trained!

I want to help you achieve this, and not only that, but to help learn your dog to love training.

Which Breeds Are The Most Difficult To Train?

Contrary to what many dog experts say, any breed of dog can fall into the impossible dog category. It doesn’t matter what breed the dog is, whether pedigree or mixed breed. Sure, all breeds have certain characteristics/genetics, but all dog breeds can become impossible dogs if they are in that mindset. It has been proven that no breed of dog is inherently easier to train than other breeds. Because one dog is reluctant to problem solve, for example, does not mean that dog is more or less intelligent than any other dog.

An impossible dog does not seek your approval and has no natural desire to please you. I’m not saying impossible dogs aren’t affectionate, but they would much rather do what they want to do than perform the task(s) you have asked. An impossible dog does not care if you approve of them or not.

The Steps To Success

  1.  Understanding how dogs learn
  2. Using a clicker
  3. Getting your dog to offer you good behaviours
  4. Shaping your dogs behaviour
  5. Positive Reinforcement
  6. Gaining your dogs attention
  7. Building your relationship through play
  8. Changing problem behaviours
  9. Finding time to train your dog

Over the coming weeks I will be adding all the information you need to the site. You will be able to find this by clicking on Menu>Training. Lots of content to be added!

Thank you for your support and  for your patience while I set everything up!

How To Safely Use Essential Oils – For Dogs

Aromatherapy works really well for dogs, just like they do with humans. Essential oils have been used for health and well being for centuries.

Important: Essential oils need to be used in specific ways. For instance, some can be applied topically but not ingested, while others can be diffused in the air but cannot be applied nor ingested.

Research shows that essential oils can be safe and effective for dogs, but only when diluted heavily, used in the appropriate way, and in the correct amount.

Infused carrier oils can be turned into salves for the treatment of wounds, skin cracks, abrasions, burns etc. This can be done by:

  1. Warming the oil over a gentle heat and add 30 – 60 grams of beeswax to each cup of oil.
  2. Continue warming the oil until the beeswax melts.
  3. Place a small amount of the salve in the freezer until it’s cool, then check the consistency.
  4. If it’s too hard, add more oil to your mix
  5. If it’s too soft, add more beeswax.
  6. Aim for a salve that is thick but not solid. Soft salves are easy to apply without applying pressure to injuries.
  7. When the salve is perfect, pour it into small jars and label.
  8. If desired, add several drops of essential oil just before/after pouring into jars. Please see Complete List Of Essential Oils That Are Safe To Use On Dogs And The Health Benefits to make sure you are using the right essential oil(s) – this is important as, for example, if your dog is suffering from a skin problem you do not want to use an essential oil that can aggravate it further.

See below to see which carrier oils you can safely use on your dog:

Never use essential oil in pure, full strength form to apply topically. Here are some safe carrier oils that you can dilute the essential oils with:

  1. Olive Oil
  2. Coconut oil
  3. Sweet almond oil
  4. Jojoba oil
  5. Sunflower oil
  6. Aloe vera
  7. Evening primrose oil
  8. Avocado oil
  9. Safflower oil
  10. Hazelnut oil
  11. Emu oil
  12. Flax seed oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is safe for your dog’s skin and has many benefits for dogs with dry or itchy skin. It can help protect against dryness by physically blocking water loss from the skin. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E. Unlike most vegetable oils, olive oil does not require refrigeration or the addition of antioxidants to stop it from spoiling. It is a good massage oil for rheumatic joints, and to soothe and heal wounds.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and contain saturated fats, making them more compatible with skin than most vegetable seed oils.

Sweet Almond Oil

Sweet almond oil is a great carrier oil which contains protein, glucosides, minerals, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and E. It is recommended for skin conditions such as dermatitis, dryness, inflammation, muscle soreness, and itching. In addition, it helps heal burns. Many people like to use sweet almond oil as a massage oil because it lubricates and protects the skin.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil contains protein, minerals, and myristic acid.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is high in unsaturated fatty acids and containing vitamins A, B, D, and E plus minerals, lecithin, and inulin. It is greatly used to help treat skin diseases.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera jelly is not a carrier oil, but it is suitable for diluting essential oils. It is cooling, soothing and moisturising.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is a rich source of gamma linolenic acid as well as vitamins and minerals. It treats dry skin conditions and speeds the healing of wounds.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil contains protein, vitamins, lecithin, and fatty acids. It is recommended for all skin types, especially dry, dehydrated skin.

Safflower Oil

Safflower oil is high in linoleic acid, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It’s useful for all skin types and helps relieve the inflammation of painful sprains, bruises, and painful joints.

Hazelnut Oil

Hazelnut oil contains protein, vitamins, minerals, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. Slightly astringent, it strengthens capillaries, stimulates circulation, and is quickly absorbed.

Emu Oil

Emu oil is an excellent treatment for muscle pain, sore joints, arthritis, dry skin, hair loss, skin fungus, and other conditions; and is quickly absorbed.

Flax Seed Oil

Flax seed oil is high in essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and minerals. It benefits the skin, speeds wound-healing, prevents scarring, and treats dry skin conditions.

Do not use Macadamia Nut Oil. It been associated with vomiting, ataxia or weakness, fever, muscle tremors and depression in dogs. Dogs are the only species in which signs have been reported. 

When applying essential oils to your dog, make sure you avoid applying the oil to areas with sensitive skin (such as in or around the ears, anywhere on the face, and the genital area).

It is recommended that you consult with your veterinarian to get advice on using essential oils, Some essential oils may not be suitable for your dog, paying particular attention to your dog’s age, size and health history.

Check out which essential oils are safe to use for your dog:

Ultimate List Of Essential Oils That Are Safe To Use On Your Dog & The Health Benefits 

How To Cut A Puppy’s Nail

For a puppy, having their nails cut can make them (and a lot of adult dogs) very anxious, especially if they sense their owner is feeling anxious. Many dog owners are worried they will cut the nail down too far, resulting in bleeding. It is best to cut your dogs nails regularly from being very young so it’s something they are always used to. Following these tips can help both you and and your puppy/dog, and results in avoiding accidents.

For a puppy, having their nails cut can make them (and a lot of adult dogs) very anxious, especially if they sense their owner is feeling anxious. Many dog owners are worried they will cut the nail down too far, resulting in bleeding. It is best to cut your dogs nails regularly from being very young so it’s something they are always used to. Following these tips can help both you and and your puppy/dog and results in less accidents:

• Place the puppy’s paw in your hand and hold each toe with you index finger and you thumb.

• Do not squeeze the toe but hold it firmly.

• If the puppy tries to pull his paw away (older puppies) from you, or struggles to get free, give him the ‘No, stay’ command.

• Hold the nail clipper with the other hand. This position gives you more precision and prevents you clipping too short.

• While holding the puppy’s toe (slightly spread all toes by placing your thumb on top of the foot and finger underneath), snip the nails one at a time with short, decisive strokes. Clip right where the nail starts to curve.

• The ‘quick’ usually hasn’t grown past the curve. If it has the nail will bleed when cut. The quick (the vein that runs halfway through the nail) is quite easy to spot in nails that are white or transparent. You do not want to cut into the pink part of the nail as this is full of nerve endings and blood.

• It the puppy’s nails are not clear (they may be brown, grey or black in colour) the quick may be more difficult to spot. You will need to be extra careful and may have to clip on the tips of the nails more often if this is the case.

• If you do happen to nick the quick, don’t panic! It looks worse than it is. The puppy will squeal because it will hurt but it is not an emergency. Use styptic powder or styptic pencil which will stop the bleeding quickly. Give the puppy lots of cuddles and reassurance. You might want to leave the rest of the nails until the next day as they will be extra jumpy for a little while and you don’t want to risk hurting him twice.

• Talk to the puppy gently as you work on his feet so he feels comfortable. When it is done, give him lots of praise, a treat and a short 1-to-1 play time.

• Most puppies and dogs don’t like having the paws touched so it’s important to get them comfortable to this. If you make a habit if holding his paws gently, one at a time, when you are playing or having cuddles with him then he will be used to having his paws handled and won’t find it such a strange experience.

• Getting the puppies used to their feet being touched and nails being clipped from an early age will get them used to being groomed.

• Get someone to help you until you are confident enough to do it alone. Keeping those little paws still is easier with an extra pair of hands.

• Don’t forget to check for dew claws and clip those too.

• You can file any rough areas (of the cut surface) with a dog nail file/emery board to make the nail smoother. You will need to get the puppy used to how it feels gradually (just like the actual cutting of the nails). Some people only use electrical nail grinders to shorten their dog’s nails but that will require getting your dogs used to the sound and the feel of the vibrations of the grinder too. These grinders are to powerful for puppies delicate nails though.

• Most importantly, don’t rush! Take your time and let both your puppy and you get used to the process.

How To Earn Money Whilst Shopping For Your Pet Essentials

Having a pet can be costly, so being able to save money can make a massive difference to your bank balance. The best thing is, there’s no catch & it doesn’t cost a thing! What’s to lose?

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Having a pet can be costly so being able to save money (on everything from pet food, collars, leads etc to pet insurance, beds, grooming tools, crates, training equipment etc) can make a massive difference to your bank balance. Here is a screenshot of how much money I have got back so far from the products I buy – a massive £923!!!

Screenshot (255)

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*Prices correct at time of posting

Choosing The Right Dog Breed For Your Lifestyle

If you are considering buying a puppy you will probably already have an idea to the breed(s) you are interested in owning. Before looking at puppy adverts it is useful to do some research of the breeds of your interest. All dogs are cute, but you need to find a breed that suits you and your family’s lifestyle.

Things you need to look at are:

🐾 The temperament of the breed as an adult dog.

🐾 The size of a fully grown adult dog of the breed.

🐾 Exercise requirements of the breed.

🐾 Health issues the breed may be prone to.

🐾 Whether the breed is easy to train.

🐾 Whether the breed is prone to behavioural issues.

🐾 Suitable home for the breed – house, flat, lots of outside ​space, small yard etc.

🐾 Nutritional requirements and feeding costs.

🐾 How sociable the breed tends to be.

🐾 If they are good with children.

🐾 If you work fulltime, can you afford to pay a dog walker ​so your dog won’t be stuck indoors all day?

🐾 Grooming requirements of the breed.

🐾 Costs of vet bills relating to the breeds size – the larger the dog the more expensive possible future treatment will be.

🐾 Overall costs of the breed (including the price of ​purchase, food, vet bills etc).

🐾 Will Your Dog Have a Specific Purpose?

The dog you choose will hopefully be a part of your life for many years to come. This is why it is important for you to make the right choice to suit you and your lifestyle, making sure the dog fits into the environment you will be able to provide. Dogs aren’t puppies for long, but they will be a loyal companion for the rest of their life if you have a human-canine bond, and not a dysfunctional relationship!

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